Sunday, 26 December 2021

Small picture finished

Here is a little something I knocked up over the last week. It's inside a six inch embroidery hoop. Felt lollipop trees with a button in the centre, and some button flowers. The tree trunks are pipe cleaners. The back is tidy, covered over with a piece of pale green felt.  

Now I fancy doing some needle felting, haven't done any for a long time. It's miserable and wet outside so I will entertain myself indoors. The cats are snoozing. 

Thanks for popping in . We'll catch up soon.  ilona


  1. Very nice ilona.

    Hand made Christmas tree decorations are very popular, I have a felt scottie dog,with a scarf and Christmas jacket on my tree. It's just two pieces of black felt, with a blanket stitch around the seams holding, together, with a little stuffing inside.
    I know you raise money for the cats protection league and wondered if this would be an idea something for next year?

    1. I donate to three animal charities. Local Cat Rescue, (it is not the National Cat's Protection), Bransby Horses near Lincoln, and Goodheart Animal Sanctuary near Kidderminster, who rescue farm animals. If I sell anything the money goes to them. If I don't sell anything I donate any spare money I have.

  2. That's lovely :) I made a ribbon wreath last night and started a tapestry - I like something in my hands to do when I'm on the laptop, and they make a change from sock knitting :)

    1. Yes, it's a good idea to try different crafting projects. Exercise for the brain.

  3. You always amaze me at how you can look at just everyday things and make them into beautiful art. That is a beautiful picture.
    Our weather here is southern West Virginia has been unseasonably warm. Low sixties all weekend. But we usually see some of our worst snows in February and March.

    1. Dull and damp again here this morning. I have a dog walk this afternoon and a coffee chat with a friend after that.

  4. Love it, so colorful and really pretty! It makes me want to try to make one. I did cross stitch and embroidery years ago. Hope you had a nice Christmas and the New Year is good for all of us!

    1. Give it a try. When you make a piece of Folk Art it doesn't have to look like the real thing, It's an opportunity to let your imagination run wild.

  5. Very nice Ilona, I like it. I've tried needle felting and got on okay doing it for a picture but as for making animals etc I couldn't get the hang of it. look forward to seeing how you get on. Takes patience and I like quick stuff although this crochet throw has taken ages, almost there now.

    1. I don't fancy making small animals, more than likely I will pierce my fingers. I've started a landscape picture. Not too big. You have got more patience than me with crochet.

  6. Hi Ilona!Im just catching up here after a couple of lovely days seeing Family,eating,drinking...and repeating it all again the next day,lol.I loved your video of Christmas songs,lol.Your as daft as me!!.The pictures of your village lights were lovely as well.I trim my front little garden up but only with a Christmas tree and Santas...nothing connected to the electric,lol.Today,will involve a long walk for me at some point.I need the fresh air in my lungs.Love and best wishes to you and all the lovely people here.xx

  7. I always love seeing your works of art. If I want to zoom in to admire your needle work, I click on the photo in the email which really shows the details. I'm busy knitting Beanie hats for a Homeless charity in Hull, now finishing #24. A few months ago I knitted 29 hats and lots of squares for blankets, for a charity in Lincolnshire and Jenny took them on one of her days out. Best wishes for the New Year 2022 Ilona.

    1. Well done with the knitting. My friend knits baby clothes and hats for her hospital maternity ward.


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