Wednesday, 15 December 2021

Nearly there.

 Only one picture from todays walk. There is a Christmas wreath on Angie's bench. I suspect it might be Trevor, her husband, who put it there. I sat for a few minutes and enjoyed the sunshine, in the peace and quiet. 

Six miles covered today. Not long now and I will be on the 1000. Thanks for popping in. We'll catch up soon. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. What a sweet way for him to remember his wife. He takes such good care of the area too. And what a great place for walkers to relax and just think peacefully while looking at the fields. ♥️

  2. 🌹🎄🌹🎄 very nice floral tribute ilona put on that bench by Trevor

  3. I think its lovely how Trevor keeps Angies bench looking so nice.xx


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