Did I tell you why I decided not to take up the 'offer'? I don't have to explain to anybody, but with more pressure being put out every day I want you to know that I am not a selfish and stubborn old biddy who has cotton wool in my head.
Right from the beginning I smelled a rat, it didn't make sense. Why, when there are other treatments which are proven to work were they not allowed to be used. Surely every doctor who has these treatments available when faced with an infection which appears to be rampant, has a duty to try anything. That didn't make sense.
People were told to wait for this new treatment. The Government panicked, moving elderly people about, shifting them out of hospitals to put them in care homes which didn't have the facilities to cope with them. Videos emerged of people dropping down dead in the street in China. Fake as it turns out. The UK followed China's example of locking people in their homes.
The new treatment arrived. They pushed it out as quick as they could because people were so traumatised by what they had seen and what they had read about. I wasn't convinced by the plan to administer this treatment to the whole world. Something fishy going on. I decided to wait.
Giving people informed consent so they could make their own decisions never happened. This was a new treatment with hardly any data to back it up. They made a stab at listing a few adverse reactions that could occur, because they didn't know the long term implications. All they said was that it is safe and has been tested. Not quite true. There is a yellow card system in the UK for reporting adverse reactions. It is said that only 10% are being reported. This yellow card data is important to assess the safety of the product for long term use. I will add here that the treatment was given a licence for emergency use only. Today it is still an experiment, and will be until early 2023. I may make a decision then, when all the data is gathered.
I am not convinced that what has happened in the last two years has been about health. I have given this a lot of careful thought and come up with my own risk assessment. The best way forward for me is to avoid going into crowded places. This has worked well in the past. I can't remember when I ever had flu, and it is several years since I had a cold. I don't wear a mask because I stay away from people. I don't take any medication, I don't need it. I take vitamin D and C daily.
As I said, the treatment is an ongoing experiment and I don't want to be a part of that. Another thought crossed my mind. What if I had gone along with it and lined up with the rest. What if I became ill after that. How would I know if I would have become ill anyway, or, if it was the treatment which had caused me to become ill. I don't want to live with that question hanging over me.
In light of what I said, if I become ill it won't be from something foreign being put into my body, and if I am careful and live a near reclusive life, I should be ok. This is my risk assessment. The benefits of waiting to see what happens next outweigh the the worry of what have I done to myself'.
Everyone should do their own risk assessment. Do what you think is best for you and your situation. Maintain a healthy lifestyle, good eating and exercise.
At the beginning I called it, 'an offer'. The front pages of several newspapers today have turned it into 'an order'. There is a branch of the Government which has a budget to spend on pushing the agenda. So taxes are being used to bully people, or are Big Pharma paying for it. Either way, something is not right.
Thanks for popping in. We'll catch up soon. Toodle pip. ilona
I totally agree Ilona. I am a person who thinks for myself. I am not a selfish person, although we are made to feel that we are if we don't conform and belong to the majority. Your posts and strong spirited attitude and outlook on life gives me hope and strength. Carry on Ilona. You are an inspiration to do many of us in the minority.
ReplyDeleteYour posts are so intelligently thought out and elegantly written, and they should be put out for everyone to read. Perhaps people will think more about what's happening. This afternoon the Government is sitting down with the scientists to decide whether/what they will inflict on the population now, just days until Christmas. Today we will take another step towards our doom, and no-one sees it.
ReplyDeleteAmanda, Sussex
My risk assessment is this. I've been healthy all my life. I had all the childhood illnesses and recovered with a strong immune system. I've never had any serious illness and the only time I ever went to hospital was to have my two kids. I don't smoke, I don't drink and I don't eat meat. I don't need any medications for anything and I wouldn't know my doctor if I passed him/her in the street. I take full responsibility for my own health. Now, the covid thing... I will wear a mask in shops, but it comes off the second I'm back outside. I use a bit of hand gel after being in the shop. I'm not afraid of being near people and I'm not afraid of Covid, if I get it I will stay home until I recover so that I don't pass it on. I fully expect to get it some point and I'm not in the least bit worried, I have evry faith in my immune system. After a lifetime of good health I'm not about to agree to having an experimental procedure which has already killed thousands of people and injured thousands more. I will not put myself at risk from heart disease and blood clots or any as yet unknown side effects that may show up further down the line.
ReplyDeleteLiz from Wales.
My daughter is double vaccinated and all my family are. She's fit healthy in her 20s and never smoked.
DeletePlease stay away from crowds as this virus can be horrific. My daughter had a slight cough Friday night. Did LF test Saturday morning positive result. Did PCR Saturday afternoon. High temperature Saturday 103 with paracetamol. Fainted and woke on the floor soon after. Sunday migraine headache, severe vertigo unable to stand, severe cough and cold symptoms, crawling to the bathroom.
Monday today, temperature dropping to 101, GP prescribed pills for vertigo, breathless walking upstairs still coughing badly.
The government isn't telling you all the symptoms but GPs know it. It's not as mild as you think. Take care xxx
Hi Sally, thanks for your concern, I do appreciate it and I hope you daughter makes a full and speedy recovery. Xxx
I have known people have mild symptoms but also people in their early 30s have horrific symptoms and one was hospitalized.
DeleteI dont think anyone can predict how they will react.
I think the best thing to do vaccinated or not is to try your best not to catch it in the first place. Not always easy.
From my perspective, in the UK each lockdown has been futile to controlling the virus - the numbers were already falling at the point of implementation. Their only effect has been to create massive divides between various groups - those who could work from home, those protected by furlough schemes, care home residents etc, ruin many businesses and massively inflate government borrowing. Likewise, no serious consideration was given to a number of potential prophylactics or treatments, governments going so far as to ban their use. And what basis in any kind of logic is there in the vaccine passportv- the official line is that if you've been jabbed then you won't infect others, nor will they infect you (both fallacies).
ReplyDeleteI really would like to see much more about states an countries that did not follow the party line so that we can all see a more balanced picture but I'm not holding my breath for that any time soon.
I agree with you however we are fully vaXXXed as we live in a congested area and there are a lot of people from different areas moving in. We are in our 70's and hope to see more years. We do not go out much and when we do we wear our masks. Love your life style. Wish we lived further out in the country. We did but now people have found us and our little country community has grown way beyond our dreams. Take care and thanks for your blog I love reading it.
ReplyDeleteHave you seen this Ilona? Good news dear girl. When the Prime Monster & co said there were only 5 million jaaab free, they told porkies. It is actually 23.5 m - no jaaab at all, (includes children) and that's only England. That's why they are so so soooooooooo desperate, and you dear girl are in a bigger minority group than you thought and me too! Those are govt's own figures from UK Health Security Agency themselves, update week 50.
ReplyDeleteBREAKING: The CDC is withdrawing its standing request to the FDA to grant emergency use authorization for Covid-19 PCR tests.
ReplyDeleteAfter 20 months of lies, the CDC can no longer hide that its use of Covid-19 PCR tests was fake “science” but true fear mongering
CDC Centre for Disease Control
DeleteFDA Food and Drug Administration
PCR Polymerase Chain Reaction
Amplification is the keyword here. The virus can be found in almost anything with a high enough amplification.
Well said Ilona !! Two close family members of ours have had Covid and it was nothing, over with in a few days just like the flu. We know of one person who died. She had serious health issues before Covid. We know close family members who were vaccinated and still got Covid. They say it was less severe, but how can you know ! My husband has not worn a mask since the beginning he is 74 and just fine. We will not get vaccinated, this type of vaccine is not like others it has also not been tested in the long term. Every person should have a choice. We are not in a communist or dictatorship country, writing from the USA.
ReplyDeleteTo me this is a personal choice. I hate it when I hear 'the unvaxed are endangering the rest of the population'. Then every one that is fearful...get the vaccenation and booster. Leave the rest of the people alone. If someone gets covid that has had their shot, then obviously the shot doesn't work. Patty Mc
ReplyDeleteA message from the Tony Blair Institute.
ReplyDeleteThis report is about how we stay ahead of the curve, rather than constantly playing catch-up.
The report emphasises the need for a strong “infrastructure” for future vaccine rollouts, noting that the speed at which the booster rollout has taken place is slower than the original two jabs because of a smaller national effort.
Rough sleepers will be offered accommodation for getting a vaccine this winter, in a race to tackle pockets of hesitancy across the country. The Government hopes that offering accommodation post-vaccination will improve uptake, as some rough sleepers are hesitant about side effects when living on the streets. Prof McManus added that the new funding won’t pay for long-term accommodation.
ReplyDeleteMy questions: How are they going to keep track of these people once they are turfed out into the streets, when they need future jabs? If they don't have a permanent address how can they be notified?
Full article here.
With there Mobil number. If Africa can do it through their clinic number surely a first world country can find a solution
Deleteits all baffle and bullshit from every side , i would say im a fatalist what will be will be. i can live with my choices and feel no need to justify them to anyone or try to convert others too my opinion
ReplyDeleteHaving read Mr Welby's comments this morning, I started thinking about our own minister, when I was a child. I was brought up in the Church of Scotland. He was a lovely Irishman who was caring and supportive towards his parishioners, and most respectful of them. I remember most as a child, his great sense of humour. He used to visit the Brownies' hallowee'en party every year. I was always dressed as a witch, and he would peer at me in a comical way, and make us all laugh. He was such a nice man, and we were so fortunate to have him as our minister.
ReplyDeleteH x
I'm with Kate Steeper on this.
ReplyDeleteWe all have choices to make, and what we do is our business and no-one else's. I also feel that there should be no need to justify our decisions, and not one of us should be attempting to convert others to their opinion.
However, I feel very strongly that those who refuse to be vaccinated, should, if they contract Covid, also refuse any treatment to aid their recovery.
Too many people think they are entitled to pick and choose as far as the NHS is concerned!
I agree with you Ilona.
ReplyDeletePersonal choice. 👍🏿