Monday, 20 December 2021


 Several people with yoootooob channels were out on Saturday in London talking to members of the public about the rally for freedom they were taking part in. They were gathering a few clips to put on their channels. Katie Hopkins and Alex Belfield were there plus a few others. The mood was good, people were enjoying the rally, and were happy to talk about their experience of why they were joining in. 

Today one chappie has had his mugshot plastered all over the main stream media because he made one slip of the tongue. He got his words mixed up and said utopia instead of dystopia. An easy mistake when you have a camera shoved in your face and the pressure is on to say something meaningful. 

This kind of mistake fits in very well with the agenda of the pro vaxxers. They scour the tweeterata for juicy bits to provide ammunition for yet another attack on free speech. 

The man made a mistake, me and millions of others know what he meant. To put the record straight, he doesn't want his kids to to be waking up in some kind of dystopia. To me that is the sign of a caring dad. 

Catch ya later.  ilona


  1. It's awful isn't it. They leap on things like this. I don't use Twitter but I can see it now - this is the intellect of these 'antivaxers' at least he is doing something about it. In years to come there will be many who will have to look their grandchildren in the eye and say ' we just daren't speak up ' it takes a brave person to go against the baying mob. The Government are inciting hatred as far as I can see. It is applauded. We are in a terrifying sleepwalking society.

  2. I was so pleased to see coverage of the rally Ilona. Usually it is a media blackout. We minority need to keep pressing against the tyrany.

  3. I'm with you ilona I think it was as human beings should be able to have a choice and the choices have been taken away from us I absolutely agree with your blog post look after yourself and enjoy your walks we can only do the best we can if people keep worrying about this coronavirus thingy your life will be gone so just live the best we can we can I'm find bits of joy and happiness when we can I seen Alec belfield talking to a girl 21 she seems a bright girl good idea I know the other people at the rally for talking out you are a very wise lady Ilona Never Let Nobody say that you are otherwise and stick two fingers up to the bullies. Best wishes Levi xx


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