Sunday 13 February 2022

Unlucky in love

 Will I get a Valentines card tomorrow, I don't think so. I have not been very lucky in love. Made some wrong choices, things haven't worked out very well. Not through lack of possible suiters, just the wrong type. 

I remember going out with a chap called Mike, at least I think that was his name, from what I can remember. It was a long time ago. I was in my teens, 17 ish. He was slightly older than me. I was impressed by his general knowledge on just about everything, him being a University graduate type. He was very clever. 

He was also quite nice looking, having long fair hair and a fit body. I was chuffed that he showed an interest in me, a skinny beanpole shop worker. He lived in a rented house and kept goats in the back garden, and he had a dog. An animal lover is high up on my list of reasons for dating someone. 

A few months into the relationship, things were going really well. He was interesting, confident, and funny. One night I decided to surprise him. I really fancied a night in cosying up on the sofa and watching tele. I had a bottle of wine to share. 

I decided to walk to his house which was about four miles away, because I wasn't sure if I had to drive home, or if I would be welcome to stay the night. I was excited about the prospect of seeing him again, and lots of snogging. I was very much into snogging at that time. 

It was dark, about 7.30pm, when I knocked on the front door. The light went on in the hallway and the door opened. I was ready to greet him with a big smile and say surprise surprise. 

But it wasn't him. A woman stood in the doorway, it looked as if she lived there. She had slippers on her feet and was wearing the type of clothes that you might wear to slop around the house. I was shocked. 

Mike appeared behind her. I could only get two words out, you swine. Then they had the gall to invite me in. There was only one thing I wanted to do and that was go home. I burst into tears and stormed off. Mike started to come after me. I ignored him and walked faster. 

I walked the four miles back home. A police car stopped and the driver asked me if I was alright. I said no, but I will survive. 

That was the end of that. I saw Mike a few years later. He contacted me to say he was moving into a big house in the countryside, and would I like to go for dinner. Cheeky bugger. 

Funny how things stick in your mind, isn't it. 

Enjoy your Sunday. Catch ya later.   ilona


  1. Oh my...what a shock. Are you sure she wasn't his sister or maybe a house-share as it was rented? If your suspicions were correct I applaud your decision to keep your dignity and walk swiftly away. I would have done the same thing.

  2. Hmmm, I think you were well out of it if the lady of the house was inviting you in, you never know what you might have stumbled upon there. You're not alone, I doubt I'll get a card tomorrow either. Thirty one years of marriage but we're still very happy, it's just that we don't need a special day to say I Love You. Call me cynical but I think it's all a money making game.

  3. Or maybe you were lucky in love because you realised that the people you met weren't right to be part of your life forever. Arilx

  4. I happily celebrate for the 67th. time I was born on February 14th., Valentine's Day for my parents, I think :>)
    It became fashion in my life quite some time after I was born.


  5. A timely reminder, the 48th. Valentine's Day since I met my wife. I already had a blank card. Now it's filled in and awaiting my wife's return from a morning out. Your blogs are helpful in so many ways ilona.

  6. You done the right thing -ilona💯 he was probably shagging lot's of different girl's he sounds a player. .
    I'm single at 30 doesn't bother me , I'm ok love would be nice I can't say it wouldn't but I'm not going to be sad because one's on there own . Us singletons can be happy just as folk in relationships

    Happy Valentine's ilona❤❤❤

    lot's of LOVE
    Levi x

  7. I don't celebrate Valentines day and have for many years lol. Can't renemenber the last time u got a card or sent one and I buy dark chocolate flowers and scented candles as an occasional treat so just another Monday here but I am cool with that x


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