Tuesday, 17 May 2022

Hello Aysgarth Falls

It was getting late in the day after I visited Bedale and Leyburn. Would I have time to stop off at Aysgarth Falls on my way to Hawes. Yep, I reckon I would. There is a car park next to the church and the cafe. I paid my £1.50 to park and went off down the hill heading towards the noise of the waterfall. 
A quick look at the church. 

The roar of the water grew louder. What a fantastic sight as I came over the bridge.  
Snapping away, I have picked out a few best shots. 

The waterfalls are over three locations. Upper Force, Middle Force, and Lower Force. I had time to walk the full length of the trail. 
This shot is my favourite.

It was a tad windy so I looked for a sheltered spot to make a short video. 
Time was getting on so I climbed the steep hill back to my car. Now I had to find somewhere to park for the night. I remembered that I had stayed at Hawes Youth Hostel when I was doing a long walk across the country. I wondered if I could find it again. I drove through Hawes looking for something that was recognisable to me. Yep, this seems familiar. 
I asked at reception about sleeping in my car. There is an area set aside for camping at the back, but I didn't take a tent. She said I could park in the corner at the front and sleep in my car. I paid the £15 charge for that, and booked a breakfast for 8am. I could use the facilities and there was free coffee, help yourself in the members kitchen. After I had tidied my car up ready for sleeping I went inside and spent an hour on a comfortable sofa, reading magazines and drinking coffee. 

There were a group of lads in the dining room, they were doing the Three Peaks Challenge. After breakfast it was time to move on. Hawes here I come. 
Thanks for popping in. The next instalment will follow. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. Fab ilona glad you found somewhere and had breakfast and could sit inside a warm building on a sofa .. the three peaks challenge I known some girl's what done it .. have a nice DAy meanqueen. ...Levi xx
    from Lancashire

  2. It's where Robin Hood fights Little John in the film 'Robin Hood Prince of Thieves (1991)'.

  3. Great pictures and video! The water was moving very swiftly! From the looks of trees in the video you did battle a lot of wind.

  4. I'm loving this Ilona, pictures are amazing, thank you so much for sharing and so glad you're having a good time, take care Ilona xxx

  5. Thank you for such brilliant pictures Ilona, glad you're having a good time. Take care, all the best, xxxx

  6. That brings back some very happy memories, we had our honeymoon there, back in 1990! Before we discovered Scotland.

  7. I love waterfalls too! Beautiful.

  8. The pictures of the waterfall are wonderful. Becky from Torontoxxx

  9. Wonderful waterfalls, who needs to go abroad! Margaret

  10. Love seeing the YHA hostels.....Now called HI hostels......it was always so nice when backpacking around Europe to see that familiar green triangle sign in a new town and know you were home for the night.


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