Tuesday, 10 May 2022

Sensitive subject

 There are people who think I write posts just for them. If I don't cover the subjects they want to read about, they have the option of reading someone else's blog. Plenty more out there to choose from. Am I bothered that readers desert me? No of course not. As I always say, you do what you like, I'll do what I like. The choice is yours. Maybe I should include a warning in the title if the post is deemed to contain a sensitive subject. That would save anyone from ending up here accidentally. 

So off we go, what shall I write about now? Be careful, there are those who are not gonna like this. Maybe pop back later when the dust has settled. 

In February a group of international lawyers and a judge conducted a criminal investigation modelled on the United States Grand Jury proceedings in order to present to the public all available evidence of Covid 19 Crimes Against Humanity. There is a list of six days of evidence on this web site. The videos can be seen on Odysee. The opening statements can be viewed on this link.  The videos are up to three hours long and present a wide selection of experts in their own field. 

The Covid thing will rumble on and on, as they push out more jabs. They have lied all the way through it, and will continue to do so. Arm yourself with as much information as you can, then you can make your own decisions. 

Don't forget that this is not the end game. Our future lies in the hands of the WEF. Dr Robert Malone has put together a complete list of WEF Graduates with over 3800 names, going back to the beginning. If you are unsure about what the WEF is, check out the Malone Institute web site. Plenty of rabbit holes to go down here, if you feel so inclined.  

The WEF have a programme of training up, or grooming if you like, young people ready to take over from when the oldies keel over. They are not going to let years of work go to waste. Read about Young Global Leaders of the future. 

There you go. I think that's enough to be going on with. Now where are those photo's I have to sort out from yesterday's walk. I'll be back later. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. I think a lot of the restrictions were illegal. Forcing vaccines, although the government went back on that, under threat of loosing their jobs, limiting movement, insisting people had a meal to obtain a drink, following people with drones, pouring dye into a lake, etc etc.
    Making some businesses close and allowing others to open was definitely illegal too.
    Fineing people for eating when sat down outside - the list goes on.
    I'm fully vaccinated but would defend the right to refuse any medical treatment for those who don't want the vaccine

    1. When you think about what happened Sally, it's the stuff of nightmares. How so few people can have such a hold over so many. All done in the name of keeping safe. It's totally out of order, and those who pushed through this nonsense should be investigated.

      I have no problem with those who got jabbed, if it was their decision and they did it of their own free will. Thank you for sticking up for freedom of choice. All those people, celebrities included, those on the tele, who were pushing the main stream narrative, should never be forgotten. The experiment is not over. They will have to face the consequences of their actions.

  2. Something else is on the horizon.

    Boris Johnson is set to join a new WHO Pandemic Treaty replacing the laws of 194 countries to tackle the next pandemic. Barrister Francis Hoar says it will give power over the UK to "unelected" WHO officials influenced by China.

    There is a Government petition to sign against this. Basically the World Health Organisation is preparing for the next pandemic. They are pushing for full control over every Government.

    The WHO is currently preparing an international agreement on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response.

    We want the Government to commit to not signing any international treaty on pandemic prevention and preparedness established by the World Health Organization (WHO), unless this is approved through a public referendum.

  3. Just signed petition - thanks for the information. Sharon

    1. Russell Brand's You Tube channel puts it all very eloquently regarding Bill Gates and the WHO and would urge people to make the effort not only to view that but also all his observations about the world we live in. Thank you again Ilona for your blog which I have read over many years and for the hard work and time spent on it. Sharon

    2. I was never really drawn to Russell Brands humour, but when I started watching his videos on this subject I started to warm to him. He has a good handle on it all. I generally turn the sound off and read the subtitles. I am not keen on his frenzied hand waving and speaking at 100 miles an hour.

  4. It's your blog and your personal space. So you get to choose the topic. I think that trying to tell people not to talk about what's happened over the last few years (and what continues to happen), that's the social engineering part. The public shaming aspect of it. The disapproval of everybody else in the community. The rest of the community will disapprove if you do this or talk about that. Oh, you shouldn’t do that! And part and parcel of the propaganda is that emotionally that becomes embedded, and then of course people start to become evangelists once they believe in it and have been saturated with the messaging that's put out. But its ok for the evangelists to speak out of course 😆

    1. You have a point. Trying to stifle people who want to speak out and question the media narrative, is social engineering. People don't have to believe what I say, but I have the right to say it.

  5. And people have the right to comment and criticise since you are making your points publicly.

  6. Will have to look up Robert Malone. If you really want to "curl your hair" look up Klaus Schwab and his mission. Jesus tells us in the Bible in the last days there will be a one world government and one world religion controlled by one man. If you have a Bible read the book of Revelation. Our only hope is Jesus. Take care. Love your blog and videos! Diana

    1. Hello Diana. I know all about Mr Schwab. The self appointed God of the modern world.

      I don't have a bible.

  7. Out of interest have you looked up Robert W. Malone on the internet? Gillian Martin

    1. Yes, Gillian. Robert Malone is someone who I greatly admire. He has been consistent throughout the last two years.

  8. Thank you for being you and not being afraid to share this information. Stay strong Ilona x

    1. Thank you alana. Those who keep attacking me for my beliefs will not deter me from speaking out. The direction that this is going is obvious to me.

      I like this video, the truth seekers are growing'

      A comment.
      The government are going to sign our rights away to the WHO. This is fundamentally more scary than anything on this video. We will be completely controlled by a cabal of extremely rich unelected people and there will be no democracy. You need to be doing something about this now.

  9. I went along like a good girl for all my jabs -and I'm still nervous and I wear a mask in shops even though it may be pointless-I no longer worry so much about whether others wear them unless they cough near me-At the start of all this I spoke to a lady when I was out with my dogs who said "they" will want to enter our homes next for checks and I think she may be right x

    1. You must do whatever you think is best to keep yourself safe. The lady you spoke to may well be right. They will do anything to keep up the fear factor.

    2. She refused to have the jab and she still looks ok as I've seen her in the distance occasionally-I recall her saying something about "a plan" and something about a Bill Gates-I didn't catch it all as my dog started barking x

    3. Sounds like she gathered information from different places and made her decision based on that. In the beginning a lot of information was withheld so it was impossible to make a rational informed choice. All people had to go on was what was being reported on the main stream news on their TV sets. Not everybody has access to computers, and if they have, not everyone knows how to search for things. Mr Gates is predicting another pandemic, and he is ready to save everyone with new treatments in the pipeline.

      Two years on and a lot more information is available, but the question is, will people look into things a lot more closely. Some will, some wont. People are now going ahead with their fourth, so I think this routine will be ongoing.

  10. I’ve been follower for a number of years and absolutely applaud you for being brave enough to publish your opinions and withstand the backlash from people who’ve followed the herd. Like many people I was nervous at the beginning of the pandemic but quickly realised things didn’t feel quite right. Apart from my husband no one else really supported my views so swimming against the tide was tough. It was a big relief to find like minded people out there on the internet and I think we’ve travelled along the same paths with our research. I’ve never really followed the crowd. School bullying and the mob rule sorted that one for me. What absolutely amazed me in this entire shit show was how easily the masses went unquestioningly along with it all. I remain unvaccinated and in extremely good health compared to many I know who happily accepted the dart. Yes I had the big C in the summer but had fully recovered within a week without any medical intervention and didn’t even need bed rest. I lost a job through this but fortunately now have a new one. I only hope people wake up to what’s happening next but I doubt they will. Many thanks for everything Ilona and keep the posts coming.

    1. Thank you for your comment. Yes, there are a lot of like minded people out there, and a lot more are coming forward. The fight for freedom must go on to it's final conclusion, and that will be when the perpetrators of these evil crimes will be brought to justice.

  11. Thank goodness that GB News are starting to report on the vaxxx adverse reactions They are talking to people who have been damaged by the c19 jabbb.

  12. Unknown said, 'I am sure you won't post this', referring to the comment they sent. Correct. So why did you write it then? .

  13. Unknown said, 'People have the right to comment and criticise since you are making your points publicly'. Correct they can, but I don't have to publish them.

  14. Unknown said, 'Here we go again. Boring'. So why did you read it then?

  15. Unknown said, 'I have been taken in by the conspiracy theories'. They are not theories, it is really happening.


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