Saturday 21 May 2022

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 Rebel News reporters have arrived in Davos Switzerland, a few days before the elites are due to start their secret conference. The place is being completely transformed, buildings are being disguised with fake fronts, and the place is already buzzing with security. The scene being created looks a bit like the conference that took place down in the South West here. Abi and Rukshan are there to report their findings. Let's see what they dig up that the other news channels won't be talking about. 

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Toodle pip.   ilona 


  1. I saw their video on another site. We are of like minds Ilona. Keep fighting the good fight friend.
    Patti from California

    1. Oh I will, Patti. It wasn't long before this post attracted the usual trolls. One day they might understand what is really going on.

  2. If ever there was a need for a well-aimed, perfectly-timed meteorite, WEF at Davos is it. The unbelievable damage that these "people" are planning to do to real people's lives is criminal at the least. I just can't see any practical, effective way for a well-medicated, well-trained, subservient global population to challenge them and to return life to being about what's really important (nature, love, art, true security, happiness, contentment - instead of about funny money and raw, abused power). I used to wonder what the real-world mechanisms were for the rise and spread of the rule of of a certain European lunatic in the twenties and thirties (the one with the small moustache), but now I absolutely know, I am watching those same mistakes being made all over again. Real people live good lives in spite of politicians' best efforts.

    1. You hit the nail on the head there, Ian. They are trying to beat us into submission. History reveals a lot about the current situation. The only difference now is that the psychological war can be fought with technology. When people worship their smartphones to such an extent, it will be difficult to go back. It's important to keep saying no thanks, I am not joining in this game.

    2. I agree with you ilona people's love of smartphones are too much walking about the town centre's and city centre's holding them.. it's kidnapped there brain's. And as you said in your security video they do get stolen by lads on scooters.. I go on the internet etc yes but it's not made me not human I still like face to face conversations etc society is changing at a vast rate we can cling on to what bit of normal we can -Levi 🙏

  3. I have a smartphone but l just use it for Internet access (and occasionally as a phone)as l don't have a computer or broadband.l leave the smartphone at home,and refuse to use it for mobile banking(that way it will hopefully be harder to get scammed).l also am not obsessed with using it for all these apps that you can get.l look things up in books,use pen and paper,keep an old fashioned diary.l also don't do anything like Facebook,twitter or Instagram. I use cash and cheques almost all the time.l do prefer self service checkouts though because it saves me having to talk to someone,but don't use store loyalty cards or contactless payments.l find the banks are really pushing everyone to use mobile or Internet banking and then use the lower footfall as an excuse to close branches down. Not everyone wants to or can use technology for everything .Keep using good old cash.from Catherine.

    1. Hello Catherine. I am pleased to see that you are keeping some of the old traditional ways of doing things. What some people think of as a time saving and convenient way now, will find it becomes enslavement in the future.


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