Sunday, 8 May 2022

Welcome back

 Good morning. It's sunny and I should be getting ready to go out. I will quickly bash this one off and hope it makes sense. 

The gates are now open for anyone to comment. It's been a while since I closed them and changed the settings to Gooooglie accounts only. Sadly a lot of genuine people were locked out also. I had to do it because the volume of trolls was becoming too much. There are people out there who would love to derail this blog and see me gone. 

Yes, the comments slowed up, which gave me a much needed breathing space. The space has been filled with my yoootooob channel, which by some miracle does not attract many trolls. I moderate the comments there as well. 

Just to clear something up, what is my definition of a troll? Someone who nitpicks through everything I say, even going back years, just to disrupt the flow of the blog. They thrive on sending negative comments to put me and others down, because it makes them feel good about themselves. 

There are bloggers who have totally different lifestyles and opinions to me. I may read them or I may not. Some of them invite discussion, and I see heated conversations becoming quite personal. That is something I do not want here. Hence anyone who wants to foist their opinion on me need not bother to try. This is not an open forum. 

I welcome comments from those who put their name to their words. I welcome happy positive comments. Yes, that may sound a bit biased, but I am biased towards a happy life. 

Those who have been reading me for a long time know how I feel about freedom to do my own thing. They know that I don't go with the crowd, they know that I don't go along with the official narrative coming out of the MSM. So if that does not sit well with you, maybe it's best that you either don't come here, or ignore those posts which touch on those subjects. 

There will be posts talking about the current situation. Knowing and understanding what is happening now is vital to the survival of the human race. The push for Globalisation is relentless and will affect everyone's life style. I cannot think of a more urgent topic which needs to be aired. We are in the middle of the biggest re distribution of wealth on the planet, the biggest land grab of all time. Remember, all food comes from the land. Those who control the land control the food. . 

Anyway, I've waffled on enough. It's 10.40 on a Sunday morning. Enjoy your day, whatever you are doing. We'll catch up soon. 

Toodle pip.   ilona



  1. Hello IIona- thank you for allowing me back-I was still reading here everyday though-I enjoy reading about your reports on the 'troubles'- I too am of the same mind I think(I did see Debi the other day - I believe she's a bit busy with family) x

    1. Hi Flis. Tell Debi to come back when she is ready.

  2. Your comment re land ownership is highly relevant - I have read that Bill Gates is buying up farmland across the US, and given his views on how we should all be subjects of his technocratic future world this is seriously scary.

    1. It's no secret what Gates is up to. He lies through his teeth. Similar is happening here, on a smaller scale. Our Government is offering cash to farmers who want to sell up and go.

  3. Hi Ilona. What happened to your video about swimming? I can't find it now!


  4. Hi Ilona,
    Been following your blog for what must be about 8+ years now. Its been a strange couple of years, I don't follow any news/media anymore - that way it doesn't cause me to get so wound up. I have to say I'm very much against a cashless society therefore, I use cash all the time.
    Elaine (Oldham)

    1. Hello Elaine. Stick with the cash. Use it or lose it.

  5. I've been on your blog daily ilona but unable to comment I thought it was the blog company who might have changed the comments or yourself! I'm so HaPpy to be able to comment again on here ilona x you stay being you and the trolls can go take an high jump๐Ÿ˜ ๐Ÿ‘Žbogoff ! They are sad sad people in my opinion, the weather's glorious today. . Levi xx๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ’•❤๐Ÿ˜Š

    1. I wondered where you had got to. Blogger have been mucking about with the works. Nice weather here as well.

  6. Thank goodness I enjoy gardening and have plenty of space to grow my own veggies. We're almost self sufficient in veg all grown by my own fair hands. It's meant a lot less supermarket shopping and fresh veg every single day of the year. I blimmin detest this cashless society. I like to see the colour of the money I am spending as it's easier to keep track of a budget when you only have so much in your purse

    1. You are doing the right thing in growing vegetables. They will eventually be in short supply. Use cash wherever you can. It's important.

  7. I'm glad that you got the blog situation sorted out, ilona. Thank you for keeping us/me updated on what's going on globally through your research. It's important and vital to know.

    1. New developments are happening daily. I like to keep ahead of the game.

    2. Sorry that I didn't include my name in my comment. I'll make sure the next time. It's important to put a name to a post, I think.

    3. Thank you. It's only a small ask.

  8. One troll comment deleted. It didn't take long did it.

    1. Second troll comment from the same person. They just had to come back and have a another go at me. It's very sad that people have to resort to this kind of negative interaction with others. Something is missing in their lives.

  9. Here in Sweden they force us into a cashless society, very rapidly. I scares me, because you give banks and authorities all power over your money. People are like sheep and don`t question anything. I am often asked why I don`t have swish and why I haven`t got an I-phone, because I am stubborn and I feel they try to force us into be controlled in every step we take and we have no alternative. And is also the sustainability, before you could have phone in your home forever, because it didn`t broke. Today you need to buy expensive new once within five years.

    1. It is ok to be stubborn, you have a good grasp of the situation. If their plan is allowed to carry on there will be no limits on the control they will impose on us. It is very hard swimming against the tide when everyone seems to be giving in. Stick with it, and insist on your rights as a free person.

  10. I just don’t like the way a certain coof has really ramped up the way it’s been done. I hate the idea of a cashless society, all this steering us towards online banking etc is very much leaving us at their mercy should we have another coof worse than the one you had to test for just to make sure you were ill. It’s bonkers, so many ignore what is staring them in the face and if you point it out even in the gentlest way to colleagues etc they think you’re the one who’s bonkers. If they have their way we will be pushed into a miserable way of life, opinions and thoughts must be kept to yourself, interacting only online, cashless so they can watch what you spend on…no thanks. That’s not a path I want for myself, my kids or anyone.

  11. We like to use cash for many things. I just don't like using debit/credit as much as we used to. Fraud and yes I do think the government likes to keep up with our comings and goings. We've not been forced into cashless yet in the US but I'm finding it harder and harder to pay with cash. Just today a cashier told me I had to pay with exact change because there is a coin shortage. Nope. Now she may not have coins in her drawer but that's because they didn't prepare. Not my fault.


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