Thursday, 5 May 2022

You're having a laugh.

 Sky News is good for a laugh. They report that people are urged to drop online passwords altogether in a bid to foil hackers. People and businesses need to move over to other technology to protect personal information from hackers, a cybersecurity expert has said. Don't make me bloody laugh. Who are the biggest hackers out there? The Governments, Big Tech, Big Pharma, and the C Commy Party.  

Then there are the crooks and criminals who endeavor to fleece us all of our assets. The scammers who want to rob our bank accounts. Oh, I forgot, the biggest fleecers are those who harvest all of our data and compile it into lists. Namely those I mentioned above. Control is the name of the game. 

So what do we do? Give them as much information as they ask for? Buy everything online with a card? Collect apps for everything, entrance to places, send our banking information to anyone who asks for it? Flash our fancy phones over a data collecting device? Become a slave to the QR codes displayed at the entrance of more and more places? Ask permission to enter with a quick flash of the gadget? 

He (the expert) called on the industry to move to other forms of log-in such as multi-factor authentication (MFA) - where users must provide an additional layer of identification to log in - or biometrics such as face or fingerprint scans to improve the general safety of personal data.

Small time hackers are just a piss in the ocean compared to the legal rape of our freedoms. You might as well hand over your brain on a plate. Here you go, take it, I am done with it. Just give me a chip under the skin then you can follow me around forever. Watch where all this is going. 

I'm going out. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. Great post, thank you, particularly handing over your brain on a plate, as it's what most people are doing. Why aren't they all complaining about this headlong dash to completely control us? A new bank is advertising a debit card with no 16 digit number on it - instead of just reading it off the card you need an app to find it.

    Surprising that most CEOs use such simple passwords. They must be very stupid, or the Sky report is telling fibs to push the agenda.

    Amanda, Sussex

    1. This article is more like an advertisement to sell us software to protect our computers. Another effort to nudge us into compliance.

  2. You do make some valid points ilona,where will all this lead to? Just gives people a headache!

    1. All this is leading to total control of everything you and I do. The more information that they (the rich folks) have on us, the easier it will be to reduce our standards of living so that we are entirely dependent on the state for everything. As long as we are aware of this we can make plans to survive. If we give in now and go along with it, or futures will become very fragile.

  3. I for one am determined to continue using cash for as long as possible in a bid to reduce the control that these people have over us

    1. Yes, you must use cash. Always present cash at every shop you visit.

  4. It is surprising how many people do not realise where all this is taking us. Mete, aka Facebooook, are building a massive centre to store data. Check out carl's video. Selling data is big business.


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