Sunday, 12 June 2022

I can wait.

 I have had a letter from North Lincs Council telling me they want to give me a Council Tax Energy Rebate payment of £150. This is something that every household should be getting from the Government. It is to help with essential household costs. This is not a loan and does not have to be repaid. 

Because I do not pay for my Council Tax by direct debit, they want me to go onto their web site and put in my details there, so they can pay it directly into my bank account. 

Or I can ring them, or visit any of their hubs. This is to cater for those who are not on the internet. 

The way the letter is worded it gives the impression that giving them your bank details must be done to ensure early payment. They say, 'we need to obtain your current bank details'. 

Right at the bottom of the letter it says, 'It is important that you respond to this request within the next 30 days to receive your rebate as a payment into your bank account. If we do not hear from you within 30 days of this letter, we will credit your council tax account with £150 during August'.

Fine. I can wait until August, I will not give them my bank details. 

Catch ya later. Toodle pip.   ilona  


  1. The wording makes it sound mandatory doesn't it? Lately I received a letter stating that my address had been randomly selected to take part in an ONS survey on behalf of Government. It said an interviewer would call by and that I needed to input my reference number and my data online. I would get £10 for my time. I am not interested as I deeply distrust Government, so I put the letter on the fire. This was weeks ago. Then yesterday I was out and an interviewer had left a card through my door telling me I must make contact! As though I have to do the interview. I'm not doing one! I thought I might go online to let them know I am not participating but guess what? They want to capture your data even by telling them you're not taking part. Needless to say the card just went in the fire.

    1. I had a couple of similar requests recently. One from my doctors surgery, and one from the Government. I ignored both. I do believe it is about harvesting personal details.

    2. ive done the ons interviews and we ended up with 40 quid in vouchers there was nothing very personal or intrusive about anything they asked

  2. Becky from Toronto12 June 2022 at 11:57

    I think your council tax must be like our property tax. I am curious, how do you pay your council tax?

    1. They send me an annual bill/statement in March. First payment due April 1st, then on the 1st of every month for ten months. We can opt to pay over 12 months if we choose. I don't. I pay with cash at the Post Office. They scan the bill. I sometimes pay for two months at the same time if I feel like it.

  3. I live on my boat, have done for years, and I don't have a bricks and mortar address - couldn't afford one even if I wanted one. This drives every institution that I have to deal with utterly insane - including the Canal Company Ltd. who grudgingly sell me my licence to live on my boat. When these institutions insist on an address I use Buckingham Palace, London, SW1A 1AA. I do hope that the Palace butler enjoys opening my junk mail. Being nomadic quite literally does not compute.

    Incidentally, living on a boat I am technically 'of no fixed abode', and never "qualify" for any of these "cash-back" schemes or rebates. Coal (my heating/cooking) has increased in the past two months from £10.50 per sack to £12.95 per sack, red diesel (my propulsion) and other method of heating/hot water from £0.97 a litre to £1.45 a litre. 23% and 49% respectively. Thus far. My pension increased in this past April - by 3.7%!

    1. @Ian H : That must be a wonderful way of life. I am envious :)

  4. Revenue Canada has been trying to get me to go to direct deposit for years. Nope. I want the cheque.

    That way I can choose where I want to put the money, or even just get rolls of loonies and hide them in the closet

  5. I live in the US and I no longer trust the government (no matter the party but especially the crew we have now) and beginning to not trust the medical so called experts. I say this knowing I need a knee replacement. It is scheduled for October. that gives me time to cancel if I want but to be honest my knee really hurts. I try to pay a lot of things in cash like grocery shopping or restaurants. Some bills are directly debited but some I write a check. It's sad when you feel like you can't trust those in power isn't it?

  6. I forgot to include my name. Lee Ann

  7. Ilona the government already have your bank details-they pay your pension after all.

    1. For goodness sake. Read the post. The letter is from North Lincs Council, they do not have my bank details. What is your name, by the way.


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.