Sunday, 12 June 2022

Getting the message out

This post may not be of interest to everybody. 

I have just finished my lunch. When I eat I usually sit at the computer, except when the weather is nice, then I sit outside. Today it is warmish and a bit windy. I have been painting this morning, not a picture, but the front of my house looks a bit tired and shabby, so I am tidying it up a bit by painting the porch. 

After an hour of that I came in for lunch, and watched a documentary/discussion. Killing two birds with one stone. Eating, and watching and listening, and learning something. is an independent film channel They interview people who are in the eye of the storm. I have recently found this channel through someone retweeeeeting the link. 

The episode I watched was a discussion between two people, Dr Robert Malone, and Dr Geert Vanden Bosshe. They have been a constant source of information throughout the whole current situation. Their unwavering dedication to their professions, and to seek out the truth, is commendable. 

Headwind is based in Spain. They are a small crew of six people. In this series six scientists speak about Corona and Government overreach policies. They have been silenced, deleted, and banned elsewhere. This platform has given them the opportunity to get their message out there. 

Those who have been following this and watching everything unfold, will be familiar with Malone and Bosshe. Their conversations here will add a little more flesh to the story which does not appear in the main stream media. 

There are seven episodes on this site, so plenty to go at to get the full picture. Dr Matias Desmet I have heard of before. Sam Brokken, Theo Schetters, Maurice de Hond, Paul de Hert, and Lieven Annemans, I have not.  

I write this post in an attempt to level up the playing field. Any conflicting views which people may have of these interviews can be researched on the TV and in newspapers. There are a small pool of experts which is growing by the day. They need to be heard. 

Now I am going back outside to do some more painting. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. Patty McDonald Southern Ca.12 June 2022 at 19:26

    I listened to the entire round table discussion. So very interesting. Part of the vaccine protein can be detected in the brain, ovaries, testes, and other organs that have nothing to do with our immune systems. These scientists agree that all results are not shown just the narrative pharmaceuticals want us to see. Hummmm. I'd love more of these videos. Thank you.

    1. Hello Patty. There's no such thing as too much information. All details need to be considered when someone is asked to make an informed choice about what goes into their body. It's only now, two years later that data is being released. There is still a long way to go with this experiment.

  2. Try this one. Just put it on a new post.

  3. To the unknown person who sent me a long rambling comment. After reading it twice, I don't know what you are talking about, so therefore I won't be publishing it. Perhaps you could try sending it to another platform.


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.