Monday, 13 June 2022

Remembering Hilary.

 Sad to hear that Hilary Devey passed away at the weekend. She was one of my favourite Dragons. Always down to earth, and such an inspiration for women. She sold everything she had, house, car, and started a logistics business Pal Ex from a portacabin in a field. Now one of the biggest transport distribution companies in the UK. I remember her business taking off at the time I was driving. I would have loved to meet her. Such a strong and determined lady. 

She passed away at her home in Morocco, and had been ill for some time. Rest in Peace dear Hilary. You achieved so much. Gone too soon. 

UK News. 


Back later.   ilona


  1. Amanda, Sussex13 June 2022 at 09:22

    I was shocked to read of the passing of Hilary Devey. She was an inspiration, building up her business from nothing, alongside a private life that must have felt like climbing a mountain. RIP Hilary

  2. I remember reading somewhere that she was a heavy smoker, hence her husky voice. I don't know if that had anything to do with her illness. She was involved with a lot of charity work. Sad that she has gone.

  3. Becky from Toronto13 June 2022 at 19:35

    If I am right she had a stroke 10 years or so ago.

  4. I have just been reading her obituary. Her life should be made into a film.
    An amazing example of someone who has taken a lot of knocks, but come back to fight another day.


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