Monday, 13 June 2022

Cats in the garden

Mayze and Oscar both claim me as their mummy. Both are jealous if the other gets more attention than they do. They follow me around if I am in the garden. I sat outside with a mug of coffee today, they were hovering to get the best pitch. 
Oscar decided it was a good time to wash his bum. 
A neighbours cat joined us. What better place to chill out than the pallet table. 
There was an early visitor tonight. I was watering the pots and it was still light. One of the hedgehogs turned up. They come every night. Every morning the plates are empty. 
What with the hedgehogs and the birds scoffing the cat food, it's costing me a fortune. πŸ˜„
Catch ya tomorrow. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. You're their soft hearted mummy. Next doors cat looks well at home. Lol.

  2. Awww everyone loves mother!❀️😊🐾🐾 πŸ¦” The hedgehog seems to be plumping up. 😊😊 Lovely relaxing time in the garden. β™₯️

  3. Yes, and they're worth every penny!


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