Monday, 6 June 2022

The morning after

OK, confession time. Watch the video to find out what I am confessing to. 
After a day watching the vintage trams on the Promenade at Blackpool it was time to eat. Carol put on a lovely spread, eat as much as you like buffet style. 
The next morning we had a leisurely cooked breakfast. No need to rush, it was raining, so we watched the Jubilee celebrations taking place in London. William and the Mrs looking splendid. 
Harry and the Mrs looking relaxed as they chatted to the family. 
Bojo looking worried because he couldn't remember if he had combed his hair. 
Ah well, never mind the hair, I'm enjoying this party. Let's have another one for the road. 

Carol has two pet seagulls. They come every morning and tap on the glass patio doors asking for food. Sammy is the one on the right, and I think that is Jonathan Livingston on the left. 

The rain eventually stopped at about 1pm. It was too late to go for a walk, so I set off back home. The roads were pretty quiet, so it was an easy run on the motorways. 
So that is Blackpool done. Where to next. 
This morning I have been to Speccysavers, had my eyes tested, and ordered some new glasses. I have been wearing the same ones for five years so I am due a change. I went to the bank first and took out £300 in cash. That should cover it. I chose the frames and handed over £290. That was a good guess. They will be ready in two weeks. 
The weather is not too good today. Jobs need doing in the garden but it is too wet. Cheerio for now. See ya later. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. How amazing ilona yoù have a friend who lives in Blackpool makes a change , you could always have a night or two car camping 💞. You look refreshed and having a smashing jolly time motherr

    best wishes Levi xx

    1. I moved to Blackpool when I was 18, Carol had moved there with her family. We have been friends since we were in junior school, about 60 years ago.

    2. That's great ilona
      true friend's are worth more than "G⊙ld"
      I'm going to the Appleby horse fair , just wondering are you thinking of heading there, be very nice to see u and have a chat! It's not far from you i don't think i no you support the charity for horse's 🐾..

      Best wishes
      Levi xx

  2. Looks like you had a great weekend. I've not been to Blackpool for years.
    By the way, do you have an Asda near you that does glasses? I had varifocals from Specsavers-cost almost £300....went to Asda-varifocals £80!! (or 2 pairs for £120!!)

    1. Yes, we have an Asda at the other end of town. My lenses are expensive because I have the thinnest ones there are to keep the weight down.

    2. I used to go to Spec savers. I'd pick my frames then after paying extra for thin lenses and the best quality varifocals the price just went up and up. Now I go to Asda, same quality thin lenses and half the price. Might be worth checking them out in future.

    3. I am happy with Specsavers. I will stick with them.

  3. That was a lovely surprise to stay in Blackpool with your friend -Sounds like you had a great time x

  4. Nice to see your smiling face mother at the comfiest B&B in Blackpool. 😊😊 Carol was so kind. At first I thought with the yellow wall you were back home. Great minds must think a like on the yellow painted wall. 💛💛 Hope your weather clears up soon.


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.