Sunday, 17 July 2022

An old film remembered.

Join me for a coffee chat as I remember the film Educating Rita. I watched it many times. There is one line in this film which sticks in my mind. If you watch it look for this line. 'There must be better songs to sing than this'. That was the turning point for Rita. I bought the soundtrack on an LP and played it over and over again.   
Julie Walters, Michael Caine, and Maureen Lipman starred in the film. It can be found on yooootooob. 
It has been a bit warm today. I went out to do some litter picking but didn't stay out very long. I came back and did some sewing. Tonight I have watered the pots and raised beds. It is just gone 9pm and I am going to do a two mile village walk. 
Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. You have it figured out mother!!! They are not happy with their own lives and they don’t like seeing others happy in life. It’s just pure jealousy. Very sad life… but only they can change themselves. Arguing with them just brings you down to their level. So DELETE is the best answer. Keep on mother!!! We love you and your message. 😊😊♥️♥️

  2. I remember Educating Rita - it was a film that helped me start to believe maybe I could go to university as an older student, and eventually I did. great movie!

    1. I think it would be great if this film was studied in school. It is very inspiring.


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