Sunday, 17 July 2022

Sunny Sunday

 A few notes before I get on with my Sunny Sunday.

The only candidate for the PM job who is not in bed with those who are steering the whole world in the wrong direction, is Kemi. All the others will carry on following orders. They will lie to elevate their own position. 

Kemi wants to delay the net zero target. If it is not stopped expect the cost of living to hit the roof. Taxes will rise to pay for it, but it won't affect those who jet around the world and have several properties to retire to. 

Kemi says, Building more homes, while doing nothing to bring down levels of immigration, is like running up the down escalator. The numbers must be sustainable. 

Penny M says trans women are women, trans men are men. Now she is trying to backtrack to save her skin. She can always ask her pal Billy G for advice. 

Slushy Risheee has connections to a wef partner company pushing digital id and social credit scores. Be careful what you wish for. 

The most vaxxxxed population is heading back into restrictions. Why? If they didn't work before why should they work now. What next, Jacinda? 

My natural immune system seems to be working. This article gives me hope. 

Too many sudden deaths from unknown causes are being reported. Why are they not being investigated? 

Why have they, and why are they, putting Defibrillators everywhere? 

I watched a new Mike Yeadon interview. His analysis on the current situation has never waivered. There was something he said right at the end which struck a chord with me. Many think he is a crank, he has been trolled relentlessly, but has always stuck to the same story. He believes that everything he has said is true, and if it turns out that he got it wrong, he will back down, eat humble pie and accept the ridicule. He hopes to God that he has got it wrong. But if he is proved to be right, the outcome will be catastrophic, and there is no going back from that. 

Now it's time I got off this computer and went outside. Enjoy your Sunday. 

Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. From what I have been reading, and reading between the lines, Kemi sounds like a breath of fresh air in comparison to the others.
    As I have commented elsewhere about Rishi - why would anyone trust the guy who crashed us into high inflation despite the warnings.
    Penny seems to be yet another politician who is either afraid to say or doesn't know the difference between biological sex and gender (and there are questions over her competence).
    Liz looks to be positioning herself as continuity BJ, we need a break from his poor decision making and lack of a grip on government.
    Tom - Tom who?

    1. Thank you for your comment.
      It seems the candidates are showing their desperation to be liked, all except Kemi. She has a cool and confident manner, is concise with her replies, and her body language indicates to me that she will not waiver from the truth. She has been in politics for ten years. I fear that if she does get through, will she be strong enough to hold her own against the barrage of abuse that she will inevitably get. If she can muster a loyal team behind her, I think it could work.

      If one of the others are voted through then we should expect more of the same. They are all of the same mould. All been programmed to carry out the plan handed to them. The whole thing is being played out like a soap opera.

  2. Surely the more defibrillators around the better! Every school,leisure centre, sports centres, shops and place of business etc should have them readily available.posted by Mazza.

    1. Why have they suddenly popped up everywhere over the last year or two? How much money have the Government spent on keeping us safe? Is the ambulance service no longer fit for purpose? Is there no guarantee they will respond to a 999 call for help? Are the defibs there to replace the ambulance that does not arrive? Are they expecting a heart attack pandemic?

    2. The point is, if you don't get the defibrillator to the patient within a few minutes, the outcome is grim. The patient may survive with CPR, but brain damage will occur.An ambulance may well arrive too late. Many people needlessly died because the ambulance didn't arrive soon enough. There has been increasing awareness of their use and the importance of everyone learning basic first aid in order to achieve a good outcome in the case of cardiac arrest.As I said, they need to be available in every public place. I think it is a good use of Government money.

  3. Defibrillators can only be a good thing. It is no joke giving CPR in the street with no sign of an ambulance. It is such hard work.
    When you call 999 they will tell you where the nearest defibrillator is and the access code to the storage box. Most are paid for by the fund raising public.
    I understand your point about less ambulances and facilities. It does make you wonder what is going on with the country.

    1. Thank you Shelly. I am not denying they can be a life saver. I just think that cutting back on ambulance staff, and resorting to look after yourself methods are a cost cutting exercise.


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