Thursday, 28 July 2022

Patchwork picture

This started out as an idea. What if I cut some cardboard pieces, covered them in colourful fabric, stitched them onto a black background, and mounted them on a board. Once I started making the small pieces I kept going until I thought I might have enough. There are three sizes, 10cm, 5cm, 2.5cm. I placed some of them on top of each other.  When I worked out the layout I wanted I stitched them all together with tiny stitches on the back, then added the coloured over stitching on the front. It was a tough job pulling the needle through the cardboard. A pair of pliers helped but it was a slow process. 
I left five blank squares where the black background would show through, and added small pieces. 

I have used a board which is slightly bigger, to give it a black border. Inside is the back cover of a sample book I got from the Scrapstore. The picture is laced at the back and the mess covered up with another piece of fabric. 

A little bit more information in this video.
I'm glad that is finished. I think the next project will be something smaller. Something that I can pick up and put down and doesn't take so long to make. 
Thanks for popping in. We'll catch up soon. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. That's very colourful. I am working on a hexagon lap quilt at the moment using a hexagon shaped paper for the piecing. A good way of using up old magazines. When I've sewn the edges together, the paper is removed. Of course, yours have lovely sharp edges and some aren't sewn edge to edge but more 3-D. I think I would give up the will to live if I had to sew through cardboard!! My arthritic index finger would soon go on strike.

    1. Hexy shapes look very attractive when quilted. Yes, the sewing was hard. I am getting a little ache in my index finger and the knuckles on my right hand. I suppose that could be the start of arthritis.

  2. Hi Ilona! Well, your persistence at stitching through that cardboard certainly paid off ..... that is really a great looking piece of art! I love the mixed colour combinations! Cheers, Nanny Anny in Canada

    1. It was very awkward having to pick up the pliers to push the needle through the cardboard.

  3. That's a very cheery piece Ilona. Arilx

    1. Thank you. I am pleased with how it has turned out.

  4. A beautiful piece Ilona, can I recommend a site called Merry Craft who makes lovely crafts from recyclable materials i.e. plastic bottles and egg boxes etc. The yt channel is here for inspiration

  5. Beuatiful and very colourful piece of work i love the differant colours and designs.

    1. It was mostly guess work when I laid it all out. Trying to put contrasting colours next to each other, and varying the thread colours.

  6. That's a lovely piece of art, you've got more patience than me with all that sewing! The thought of sewing through layers of cardboard would have put me off doing it, haha! I've been looking for something for the wall of my living room but I can't for the life of me find anything I like in the shops, just mass-produced tat! I might just paint something myself, at least it would be original and unique!
    Changing the subject, your car camping adventures have got me interested in having a go myself, although I don't have a lot of room in my little Renault Modus! I'm trying to work out how I would fit a bed in it! Still, where there's a will, there's a way, I'll probably have to take out the front passenger seat. Thanks for the inspiration, I do enjoy your videos.
    Liz from Wales xx

    1. When I get half way through a project I sometimes wonder why did I start it. But so far into it and it would be a shame to give up.


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