Friday 5 August 2022

Going for a walk

 If you want to watch a new video, Uninformed Consent,  it is here. 

I now need to go for a walk.   ilona


  1. Hi Ilona, Michelle Knight here ( remember me?) I work for the ambulance service now, and if you've got any questions on this, let me know. Fully understand you needing to take a walk after watching that. Been following your blog and youtube channel for a short while now. Good to see you're in good health and enjoying, "life after money."

  2. Thank you for the link to the documentary.
    Good to see brave people who won't be silenced. Those who react rude: you obviously hit a nerve.

    1. I have chosen my side. Nasty comments have been deleted. Thank you for your comment.

  3. I know this is a little off your post subject, Ilona, but I just want to say for everyone's benefit: we are not giving up in America. States' rights are key, and red states going to bat at every level. Primaries for midterm elections critical, it is key that Arizona gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake prevailed in this week's primary for 2022 midterms, though elllection fraud clearly alive and well (and captured on record, with one AZ County Ellllection Director suddenly no longer employed three days after election day). Most inspiring, see recent ad for Harriet Hagemmmmman (state of Wyoming Republican Congressional Rep) running against Liz Chennnney, who as head of sham Jannnnuary 6 committee is trying to keep Trrrump from ever being president again. WY tiniest state in US population-wise but will have huge impact on national front through this race. See ad at: , it is excerpted from her brilliant speech at WY Trrrrump rally. She is lawyer who has beat Federal gov't in many cases important to WY. Also Ron DiSSSSantis in FL recently announced that he has suspended Sorrrros-backed DA who has been refusing to implement laws against criminals in Tampa. Bit by bit, we are trying to take back this country and with God's help, we will do it. There is a major fight going on here and we are NOT giving up.

    1. Hello Anne. I recognise some of the names you mentioned, but I am not familiar with all the ins and outs of the political system there. Corruption on every level is rife throughout the world. Before the internet we wouldn't have known very much about it. Now it is all laid bare for everyone to see. Those that wish us harm will eventually be tripped up and exposed. It will take a long time, but we shouldn't give up.

  4. Michelle again. A few things in that documentary weren't quite right, and I've pulled together a number of things for you using UK statistics which I hope you may have more confidence in - - One of the things about that documentary was the amount of alarm they tried to instil in the viewer in the first few minutes. I hope this brings a bit of balance to some of the things they said.

    1. The point of the documentary was to bring a bit of balance to a lot of what has come from main stream media, and the Governments of the world. They are all following the same script. I think it did that. The bullying is real and shows no signs of abating. Big Pharma will push their agenda to it's conclusion, they can't afford to backtrack now.

    2. To think that all the governments in the world are singing from the same song sheet it a bit of a stretch I think. Russia is on the same page as the US? China on the same page as the US? - even France and the UK? Or even all US politicians.

      I found Michelle’s article very interesting. Thanks for posting it Michelle.

    3. China is on a page all on it's own. It will do whatever it wants to. Russia has it's own agenda too. The western world are all using the same script.

    4. The documentary did cover one very good point, that businesses are there to make money and lobbying is out of control. We also have a problem with it in the UK. I think there's only one country in the EU that has erected an iron wall between politicians and lobbyists. It's not only big pharma, we see it with technology as well in the US. The revolving door between government and jobs in big tech are the same; for all governments; likewise the bullying and silencing. The general populace is always the looser when there's a race for cash. Glad the article helped. Everybody's got an agenda to push these days! My agenda is a glass of orange juice and a slice of toast.

  5. Ilona, do you watch Dr John Campbell on youtube? He's very balanced and seems very genuine. Yesterday I watched one of his videos on Pfizer's illegal exploitation, how they are ripping off the NHS by massively increasing their prices. Quite shocking. He covers a lot of different subjects on his channel.

    1. I watched a few in the early days, but I didn't like his presenting style. His speech is bland, he has no passion in his voice or his body language. He talks like he is giving a lecture, drawing rings around pieces of text and numbers. I also thought he was regurgitating what the main stream media were putting out, which gave me the impression he was a messenger of the Government. Later when I tried him again he had changed his tune and was repeating what other people more qualified than he is, had already said. When people started waking up to the scam it became obvious to me that he changed direction to keep himself relevant. It was like he was playing catchup. Bear in mind that I get my information from a lot of different sources. My opinion.

    2. Yes, I agree with you regarding some of his videos and he is more mainstream than most of the people I watch. But I think there is an element of truth in a lot of the things he talks about. What I bear in mind is the fact that if he says too much there will be consequences, as there have been for others who became too outspoken, and I think he's erring on the side of caution. That's my gut feeling anyway. X

  6. Thank you so much for the link.

  7. Many thanks for the link. I’ve only had time to watch part of the documentary but it really is excellent.
    I think it’s very hard for people to get off the merry go round of continued v———s once they’ve started. My parents ignored the letter and reminder letters about the 4th. You’d have though the GP would have respected this but no they sent someone round to their house completely unannounced.

    1. Thanks. Proof that they really are desperate to use up the billions of doses that they have paid for. Shocking. I saw a vid yesterday. A doc sat in his car was attacked by the father of a woman who died from the shot. The father recognised him as the one who administered it, and smashed his wing mirror and window to tell him exactly what he thought of him.


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