Saturday 6 August 2022

Ten years ago

 It was ten years ago when I went to London, to Canary Wharf, to see my yacht. It was here for the Olympic Games. I found the yacht on the internet, it belongs to an Australian businessman. 

I sat on a bench watching the comings and goings of various people. Security was at the entrance monitoring people who went aboard. I asked if I could go inside and have a look around. It was to be expected that the answer was no. The crew member was very nice about it and chatted for a while. 
He came out to me ten minutes later, I was eating my sandwiches. He handed me a teeshirt and some other souvenirs, writing paper and note pad. I was over the moon with this kind gesture. So excited. In ten years I have worn this twice, not wanting to get it dirty or spoilt. I will treasure this forever. Picture on the back, pocket on the front. 

I have just checked where my yacht is now, on Marine Traffic. It is in port at Vilanova in Spain, a few miles south of Barcelona. There is limited information on this site. To get more details you have to subscribe.
More pictures on the blog post of my visit ten years ago. 
Time flies. The end is looming, best get on with some living then. Thanks for popping in. Enjoy your weekend. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. You have a lovely Yacht Ilona! It was kind of the crew member to give you some 'souvenirs'. I would have loved to have a nosy around too but get seasick even when a boat isn't out sea! :)

    1. The teeshirt was the icing on the cake and made the trip worthwhile.

  2. Hi Ilona, What a great story. If ever you decide to repurpose your lovely t-shirt, you could make it into a pillow cover (especially with your crafting and sewing skills)! Hope you have a nice weekend in jolly old England. Nancy from Northern California

    1. I think I will ask to buried in my teeshirt.

  3. Goodness, I remember you seeing ILONA before and had no idea that I have been reading your blog so long! What a lovely gesture that man made. I am glad you treasure the souvenirs. I also thought of a cushion cover since you hesitate to wear the tee shirt.

  4. That's so cool! It's great that you can find where it is. It looks a very fine yacht indeed. Cheers, Karen

    1. Marine Traffic is an interesting site. Any boat can be found on there, just put in the name.

  5. An embroidered logo would look lovely on your wall or a cushion, maybe a new project for you :) Mel


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