Friday, 2 September 2022

Staying where I am

When I was bimbling around Buxton the other week, I spotted this new build. It is a  block of retirement apartments. For over 70's it said on the sign. Oooh, I qualify. It is located next to the railway station quite close to the town. 
My first impression was it looks like a prison. All it needs is a barbed wire fence around it with a lookout post on each corner. I can't see me living in a place like this. 
They haven't finished building it, there are more apartments going up round the back of it. There is nothing attractive about this building at all. It looks bland and boring, with no character whatsoever. I would sink into depression if I lived in a place like this. 

I've had a look at their web site. The cost of a one-bedroom apartment on the ground floor is £236,999. It is a leasehold property with just under 999 years left to go. There is a weekly service charge which includes ground rent, of £162.73. 

I would never be able to downsize to a place like this even if I wanted to. It costs way more than my three bed semi-detached. 

My house needs work doing to it, because I haven't spent much on it since I have been here, so I would have to price it accordingly if I were to sell it. The price I would get wouldn't be enough to buy something smaller, like a bungalow.  

I could sell, then find somewhere to rent, but that would be a bit of a shock knowing what the rents are like these days. My pension would not cover the cost of renting, so the money from selling would have to subsidize my living costs and wouldn't last forever. 

There is no urgency to make a decision, so for the time being I will stay here and enjoy cheap living. And while I am fit and able will enjoy my freedom before I have to move into a prison. 

Thanks for popping in. Enjoy your weekend. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. That does indeed look like a prison end the cost is eye watering. Property up here in the grim north is incredibly cheap in comparison (it's not grim but don't tell everyone).

    1. I can just see my sad little face at the window, looking out over the train station, watching people pass by.

      Up north is a good choice for anyone thinking of moving.

  2. In Hull you could probably buy a house for a hundred quid and get a free crate of beer thrown in! I used to laugh at the property pages when we lived up that way, I can't even imagine what the houses must have been like! Though with the soaring cost of housing these days I expect you'd be looking at around five hundred quid now.

  3. It does look completely unappealing I must say. They don't seem to have done anything to soften the look of it. You are fit and healthy, more so than many significantly younger people I know so I'm sure you won't be having to make any decisions anytime soon. Your garden is so nice, imagine not having a garden it must be awful. Here's to walking, eating healthy, and having a chirpy attitude. You are proof that it works wonders! Cheers, Karen

    1. There are some people that do not like gardening, so living in a filing cabinet would suit them. Eventually the time will come when it would be sensible to move, but until then I will stay here.

  4. What an awful looking place, does it have a community lounge full of straight back chairs in a circle?
    I currently live in a 3-bed semi, ex-council. First thing I did on retiring was to have a downstairs toilet/shower/utility room built on the side. Might add a little to the value, but not much.
    The idea being when the stairs finish me off. we could live downstairs like in a flat. So maybe I won't be moving any day soon

    1. Looking at their web site, they do have a community room.

      I have a downstairs toilet, so your idea of moving everything to the ground floor would be possible here, if I was not able to go up and down the stairs.

  5. Most likely we'll be living in our house for years as we're good in life so far being mid 60s age. We look at getting new flooring next year as carpets are same age as house. 33 years in December. House paid off late 2019. Our daughter lives with us as she can't afford an apartment or house. Son and family have high rent in 2 bedroom apt with 3 children upstairs. 🙄 thankfully we all have a place to live in and relatives comfortable.

    1. Yes, we have to be thankful that we have a roof over our heads.

  6. This is a bit of a hovel but it's home-Won't be moving as by the time someone had found all of it's problems there would be nothing left - The previous lady added a tiny bathroom but now used as a little utility- a shower could be added as I age x

    1. As a teenager my mum moved us to a small rental cottage. We managed without hot water, and only one gas fire in the whole house. There was no plaster on my bedroom walls just bare bricks, and a big hole in the front room floorboards. We couldn't use that room. What I have now needs work doing, but it is luxury compared to what we lived in years ago.

  7. Yikes, it does look like a prison. The new apartment complexes here in Phoenix, Arizona also have that same dreadful look. We have great views here, in general, since Phoenix is in a valley surrounded by mountains yet these new places don’t even have a patio! It is astonishing. The prices for your Buxton prison seemed really high! Maybe they would provide sedation so you wouldn’t notice ;). Hilogene in Az.

  8. We all think of the future and how we will cope, you have a downstairs toilet so live downstairs and get some help, when the time comes apply for attendance allowance to pay for the extra help. We have a plan in place BUT we are going to continue to live life to the full until we can’t. We are 72 and 81, off on a cruise next week then another one to South Africa in October where we will spend the winter, in the sun. No we are not rich but have been careful all our life and continue to be enjoying the pension we paid into.

  9. mcCarthy and Stone ive read a few horror stories about them and the thousands of pounds they claim you owe in the event of your demise


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