Friday, 3 February 2023

20 minutes.

This kind of newspaper article is popping up all the time now. Increasingly we are told how the Government are to confine us to our immediate area, ringfencing us into a smaller prison. It's the new lockdown strategy following on from the complete lockdown in our homes under the pretence that we might die if we catch something. 
The way they are trying to sell it is inventing a lot of advantages which are supposed to make our lives much easier and happier. They locked us down because of a rampant virus, millions went along with that. It was a test to see how far they could push us. Remember how they beat up people for sitting on a park bench. 
They are moving on to the next stage. Now most have shown to be compliant, they are easing the restrictions a little and moving the fence. We will be allowed to go a little bit further, not too far mind you. The pattern is that they remove all freedoms, and then loosen their grip. We are to be grateful to be allowed to go and visit someone in a neighbouring district. Get people used to one set of rules so that it almost seems normal, then change the goal posts. 
This is happening all over the world, not just here. It's part of the plan for Globalisation. Part of net zero. Restricting our movements means that we won't need a car. There will be no flying anywhere, but the elite will be able to carry on doing exactly as they like. Battery power on a world wide scale will not work.
Contain us in urban boxes, look at the high rises in cities. Land being taken over by sprawling concrete jungles. Farmers are being paid to stop farming, their land is being taken over. We won't need actual cash because everything we want can be bought online and will be delivered to our door. 
Here is a link to the above article if you want to read it. It has appeared in several newspapers. Gooogling '20 minute neighbourhoods' comes up with a lot of other sites. Take a look at this compressed PDF document which lays it all out. 
Government policy for a 25 year environmental plan.
A bold vision for cycling and walking.  
The UK Government and the devolved administrations are legally bound to achieve a net-zero climate change emissions target by 2050. Decarbonisation is required across all sectors, calling for extensive change to our neighbourhoods and the way that we live. The Climate Change Committee’s 2020 Progress Report highlighted that progress to net zero is generally off-track in most sectors.91 With around 230 councils having declared a climate emergency (as at March 2021), according to the Local Government Association,92 the multiple benefits of the 20-minute neighbourhood concept present an effective way of addressing climate change at a local level through plan-making and decision-taking.
If you think all this is fine, then do nothing. But remember, this will not go away. Everything that happens is all connected and happens for a reason. This plan will change the world. Start spending cash, start going out, start living your life the best way you can, and start saying 'no, I don't want that.
Lots of love.   ilona


  1. I won’t say “no” I don’t want that because I would love to be able to access health case and shops within a 10 minute walk and back without having to jump into a polluting car. How wonderful to be able to pick up one of those wheels trolleys and walk to the supermarket and back. How wonderful to be able to walk to my doctor and back. Bring it on is what I say.

    1. And what happens when you want to go to other places, meet up with people, and are told no you can't do that because it is out of your area.

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    3. For those of us who have a close relative that lives 2,000 miles away (I'm in the USA) that they see several times a year via plane, this is an absolute NO. It's just another way to have complete control over the population. Unfortunately, there are so many that think this would be great. *face palm*

    4. I think some people are just so naive! They just want to be told what to do, where they can travel, and what they can buy etc... This is the problem, people don't think through what this sort of 'convenience; would really mean.

  2. Not sure how that is going to work where I live with only a small village shop and 4 miles from a market town, no pavements to walk on, bus twice a day. Portia

    1. I don't think it will work anywhere during our lifetime, but they sure as hell will try it.

  3. Not seeing anything like that happening here in the U.S. Anne in Maryland

    1. Not happened here yet, but it will.

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  4. I have seen something similar scheduled for implementation in Oxford. Thinking back to my student days there, that would have been totally impractical as almost all of the lecturers and tutors lived way beyond a 15 minute walk from the Uni facilities in central Oxford, and second and third year students also had rooms further out that this because of the lack of affordable accommodation any closer. So as far as I am concerned a major fail on the part of the local council, but even that long ago Oxford council had form, introducing a one-way system around the city that totally confused not only the drivers but also the local police who could not figure out how to get to some city centre areas

    1. If you search for 15 minute cities, you get a lot of videos covering the subject.

      There are about 60 County Councils that have signed up for this experiment.

      Here is a report from Talk London.

      Here is a report from Smart Transport.

      Here is a report from The Expose.

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  6. I've heard a bit about this before - I believe very much now that they are wanting to control us - During lockdown I followed rigidly what I was told to do - now I'm annoyed that I obeyed them - and am no longer trusting x

    1. Follow your instincts, flis. It's better to be cautious than to dive straight in. Read, watch, listen. It's better to get your news from many sources.


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