Sunday 12 February 2023

Coffee chat with new art reveal.

Good morning. Cereal, seeds, banana, and yogurt for breakfast this morning. I am well stocked up with food as I went to Sainsbugs and spent £112. Please be aware that if you go in the early evening as I did, you may not find any check out people on the tills. I don't use the self service tills, but a kindly assistant who was there to supervise all of the checkouts, put mine through for me. I was on the verge of walking out, but he came to my rescue. 
I finished this picture three weeks ago and have just found time to put it on here. My friend gave me the frame, thank you Janet. 
This is the tapestry I saw at Louth church which gave me the idea. 

I painted the background on a piece of cotton sheet, about a year or so ago. I knew I would find a use for it. Please excuse the clarity of the pics, the glass throws up some reflections. 

So, what to talk about today. Click and watch if you are nosy. Todays subject is health. Do I take up the offer of a free health check from the NHS. We are told they are stretched to the limit and we are discouraged to seek help. Drive yourself to the hospital if you feel ill.  

That's all for now. Have a good Sunday. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. hi Ilona, I love your new picture.Its similar to the one I bought from you at your exhibition in Burton library. Lots of stitching on all those leaves. Really lovely, best wishes, Carol Partridge.

    1. Hello Carol. Good to hear from you. I always seem to come back to trees. There are so many different ways to incorporate them into artwork.

  2. I loathe self checkout at shops. I don't work there, you need staff to take my money!

    See, this is something I've never understood about healthcare in the UK. We drive ourselves and family members to the hospital before calling for an ambulance. The charge is nearly $400 for an ambulance to attend. I was in an ambulance after a car wreck and got the bill for it. I blacked out after a drug reaction and my kids called for a crew and yup, we got an invoice. Fortunately, our extended health insurance covers those costs.

    But 0300 and in agony from Kidney Stones? Husband drove me. Had a GI bleed? My son drove me.

    Ambulances are for emergencies for most people. You don't get seen any faster because you were brought in by one. The triage system is still applied.

    If anything the worst offenders of ambulance misuse in Canada are for the most part people on benefits, they dont have a family member handy or don't want to bother them, won't pay for a taxi, but call an ambulance saying "chest pain" and one is automatically dispatched. They also won't pay the bill because they are on benefits. I know ambulance crews who know who is going to call and when. Usually it's for prescription renewals of all things. The crews just shake their heads as they are taking in their "chest pain" patient who needs a new prescription for narcotics and they see older people who are having chest pains brought in by their family

    I remember once saying I'd take our son in by car and his school insisting on calling an ambulance, I told them no need. "well, what will you do if he stops breathing?" "Er pull the car over, start CPR, and call 911" The school wasn't going to pay the bill, they caused the need for medical attention and due to my son's age he would have bypassed the best trauma centre and gone to the children's hospital. Even the ER doctor that saw us, agreed that my plan was better than the schools.

    1. Thank you for telling us what health care is like in your country.

  3. I absolutely love your latest artwork and the frame really compliments it too. You’re looking good on the video and I like the new haircut.
    Personally I wouldn’t bother with the free health check. My husband had one a few years ago and it was very basic - blood pressure, weight, urine test and asked about smoking and units of alcohol. I don’t think there’s much they could tell you that they aren’t already doing. I expect you’d get a lecture about not having the jib jabs thrown in as well.

    1. I feel they are looking for new customers. A bit like why don't you get a new kitchen because your old one is falling apart.

  4. Greetings from Australia, I love your latest art work Ilona, just beautiful I thinks it's nicer than the one you drew inspiration from, have loved all your recent posts and photos, nice to see your link to Aussie Karl stefanovic and his comments on the little p..r..ic, he is mainstream media here, media royalty so nice to see those comments from him, I regret choices I made re having the p..r..ic, won't be doing that again, have had problems with my arthritis ever since, but told just a coincidence, me thinks not, anyway cheers to you and all other lovely commentars, regards Elizabeth

    1. Hello Elizabeth. Karl is someone who has woken up and now knows better. There are plenty out there, now we just need them to come forward. Best wishes to you.

  5. Don’t bother with the check up, if that’s what you choose. You’d have to wear a mask and probably be told you should have the vaccines
    But this is good preventive health care policy for others .

    1. Masks are useless and proven not to work. I won't get the mRNA jabs when thousands are either permanently damaged by them, or worse, they drop dead of heart attacks.

  6. Your new art work is great, I like it much more than the one that inspired you.
    I have a blood test every year, it costs me about 30 Euro. A few years ago, the doctor noticed that my cholesterol was creeping up - it was not too high, but a bit higher every year. So I changed the way I eat a bit, and next year it was down again. I find a health check quite useful, and what you do about the results is your own decision.
    Hilde in Germany

    1. Hello Hilde. A lot can be achieved by tweaking your diet. One should always give that a try when things are a bit sluggish.

  7. Your new artwork is brilliant. The colours are lovely. I've had a lot of bother with the NHS since last November when I was diagnosed with whooping cough at the age of 70. Despite numerous courses of pills I'm still far from well. For long enough they fobbed me off with 'it's post viral fatigue'. It was only due to my insisting that I had a blood test. I showed a severe vitamin D deficiency. At least now I can take steps to remedy that. It seems you have to be pushy these days to get anywhere with anything.

    1. Thank you for sharing your story. I take a vitamin D every morning with my coffee.

  8. I was invited in for a health check .I think they have targets to meet at surgery's they have to be seen as keeping an eye on the over fiftys health .I don't think there's much they could tell you Ilona you walk loads daily and eat well They kept Tex messaging me for days after my check saying get jabbed.i wrote to them politely telling them to stop texting me daily it was my choice to have the jab or not and I won't be pressured into itxx


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