Wednesday, 8 February 2023

Gardening starts.

We had a good laugh at Coffee Morning. I took my 1966 diary with me and read bits out of it. I was 16 going on 17 and was a keen follower of fashion, and was starting to take an interest in boys. So funny, the antics I used to get up to. 
It's been a nice day for getting out into the garden. I have made a start in tidying up. Scraping weeds from in between the flagstones, and trimming the lawn edges, ready for mowing. I want to do half an hour every day to keep on top of it. I think my legs are going to ache a bit tomorrow. Kneeling down and stretching forward pulls on the thigh muscles. 
I made this video on Monday and set it to upload today. 
I have a pan of stew on the hob, using up all the bits of veggies. The fridge is looking a bit empty, I think a shopping spree will be needed this week. 
I am ready for my dinner. Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. We can't really start gardening until May!

    1. I always try and put off the first lawn cut of the season for as long as I can.

  2. Its been lovely to be finally be able to spend some time in the garden. I too spent some time gardening on Monday - Wednesday. Need to do some photos for my blog.

    1. At the moment I can manage my own garden, but when the time comes that my body is starting to creak a little, I have a man nearby who I can call on.


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