Thursday, 9 February 2023

A lesson from the bible

 I have never had much interest in religion. We studied it at school, sung the hymns in assembly each morning, I went to Chapel when I was old enough to walk there by myself, but I pretty much left it all behind when I started following the fashion and pop music Gods. 

Now I find my spiritual self looking for answers in other places. The God of Main Stream Media is failing to come up with anything remotely connected with truth and common sense. The spin they put on stories can turn a news item from bare facts, all the way full circle to complete fiction. And if this is repeated over and over again, it then becomes fact. Say something often enough and people believe it and accept it. That is the way it works. 

So when a trickle of freedom fighters gather momentum and work to address the imbalance, they are immediately pushed out of the way. As more people become aware that things are not as they should be, that those who are members of the bigger army are punishing those in the smaller gatherings, the trickle becomes wider and bigger, and eventually finds it's way to a lake. 

People become resilient to the bullying from the bigger army. They begin to share their love of freedom, and their love for each other. They begin to support each other. 

The bigger army starts to crumble when more secrets are revealed. Piece by piece the walls fall down, and the terrified rats will be left with no place to go as they fight each other. Some of them will defect to the other side, when they find out that they have been played. 

I have no animosity towards those who send me nasty and insulting comments. You cannot hurt me, you are only hurting yourself when you do that. Let go of the bitterness in your heart, and start living your life for yourself. 

I don't have a copy of the Bible, but I remember some of the stories. Goodness will prevail over evil. 

Meaning of David and Goliath

This familiar Bible story reminds us of the courage in men's hearts when their faith is placed entirely in God. Goliath taunts David, but David's faith becomes evident when he does not cower under the threats but instead warns Goliath with the hand of God. The armor he rejected represents the strength of man, while David chose the armor of God.

It's a lovely morning and I am thankful that I am alive, and have another day to enjoy. Thanks for popping in. Lots of love.   ilona 


  1. Hi there Ilona, I think more and more people are turning to God, especially those who were doubting the narrative that was playing out the last few years. It is all written in there, and helps make sense of what is happening in the World.

    1. I'm not sure that there is a God as in a real person. Gods are generally imagined. I am looking more to the spiritual side of things, trying to work out why people behave in the way they do. All I see at the moment is the God of wealth, control, and corruption. There has to be something deeper.

  2. I was an atheist for 15 years before I turned to God in 2020. I realised that what is said in the Bible is playing out in the world - the Bible even states that people would be fooled by pharmakeia (pharmaceuticals), worship false idols (celebrities) and be lovers of themselves (this vanity encouraged by social media such as instagram). There's a lot of truth in the Bible. I think a lot of Christians are truth seekers.

    1. I might even buy a bible now.

    2. Anonymous wrote what I meant so much more eloquently than I managed. If you do go out and buy a Bible I recommend the NLT as it is easier to understand than a King James if you are 'new' to it. It helped me get into reading the Bible and now the others translations are more approachable too.

  3. "when he was being insulted he did not insult in return. When he was suffering he did not threaten" - 1Peter 2:23

    There are bitter and twisted people out there. When you rise to the bait that feeds there sick minds. My advice is to just blank them out of your mind.

    1. I am trying not to rise to the bait. The Anonymous comments are coming every day. I might block all comments for a while, but they always come back. They ask why I don't publish and reply. The simple answer is that I have a life, which is by and large very enjoyable. I wish it to stay that way.

  4. My favourite one has always been the 'crippled' lady who was so sure that Jesus would cure her, that when she realised there was a huge crowd around him, told herself that all she had to do was touch the hem of his cloak to receive the cure. She got down on the ground and crawled through the people's legs to touch the hem, and was cured on the spot. Jesus, 'feeling the power going out of him' (as my primary school teacher said, when I was 6 !) asked who had touched him, and when the lady admitted she had, he said 'your faith has cured you.' My b-i-l is ill in hospital at present (non taker, so unrelated), and I think of this bible story often. H x

    1. Thank you. I am sure there are many stories like that.

  5. Dr Coleman, Ilona: H x

    1. Thank you. I haven't seen any Dr Coleman vids for a while. I need to catch up.


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