Tuesday 14 February 2023


 I continue to dig. Each shovelful of shit gets you a bit closer to the truth. There is a saying, 'follow the money' and you will find the answers you need. When each new revelation throws up some tiny clues, put them all together and you will find it all leads to the ultimate goal. Total domination of ordinary people controlled by the state, and by those who are supplying the money to bring it all about.  Who are they? The bankers. 

A lot of what happens in the world is engineered distractions. These incidents appear to be unconnected, but they are. Distractions are needed to divert our attention away from the plan. 

Don't waste your time with endless conversations about a bug, being locked in your home, covering your face, and getting an experimental procedure. There is enough information out now which confirms it was a distraction. 

The war, climate change, net zero, transgenderism, social credits scheme, digital money, people being moved around the world en masse, food production plants burning down, gates buying up farmland, and now shooting down balloons. All distractions to ramp up fear. The only thing we should be fearful of is the banks stealing our money.  Banks and businesses have fucked up the whole monetary system. The only way they can sort out the mess which they created is to get everyone over to digital. And to do that they have to destroy the fabric of society that we are used to in the west as free people. They have to deliberately make us poor so we have to go begging for help. Digital ID means we will not be able to do anything without the permission of the Government. This is the definition of enslavement. 

The way to combat this is to earn your own money. Become self sufficient, look after your families, help people in your communities. The preppers in the US have been saying this for a long time. I thought their methods were a bit extreme, but now I have learnt a hell of a lot over the last three years, I know what they say is true. They are not 'nut jobs' as my MP calls them. Preppers are wide awake. They have the will to survive whatever is thrown at them. 

If you want to know what is driving this plan forward, watch this interview. Richard has moved to Rumble because he can never be sure that his content on the yoootooob will be censored. Justin Walker explains how the bankers rule the world. This is a meme which he helped to create.  

Apologies for the clarity of the print. Which side are you on. 

Now it's time for breakfast. It started sunny today, but now the fog has come down. 
Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. Gosh this is interesting, I don’t understand, however, how going over to digital is going to solve anything. Money is already digital. I don’t keep all my money in cash in my house…like most people it is in the bank, so it is already digital. I am just so confused my brain hurts.

    As for an MP calling people “nut jobs” they should be ashamed of themselves. There is no need to reduce things to name calling.

    1. Digi money will be programable. So if a carbon target comes in and you get X carbon credits a month, the govt can "program" your money so once you have used up your credits you can't spend any more money on things that need credits. Or they say a certain % of your monthly income needs to be spent to "save the nation". If you don't spend it in time it "disappears". Etc. Sarah. ps Ilona I love your blog x

    2. Oh that doesn’t really help either…it is just too complicated for me. Ilona, you can explain things so simply…please help me understand

    3. It’s so complicated, I know! I mean my money is already just numbers sitting on a computer in a bank. It is frightening that the government can just take it and leave us with nothing. I read on twitter this morning Calvin Robinson talking about the WEF having plans that we will own nothing and be happy. We need to all be aware!

    4. As Sarah says, the aim is to take full control of all monetary transactions. It will be programmable. At the moment they are only half way to digital, they need total control to cover up the terrible mess that is the economy. Money has gone missing and they need to hide what they have done. When they have full control they can squeeze us dry.

      When we use cash that is a private transaction between the seller and the buyer. This cannot be easily tracked. Every digital electronic transaction can be tracked. People say, I don't care who knows what I spend my money on. They will start to care when they are told no you can't buy that.

      Basically everyone will be digital slaves controlled by the state, just like china. Collecting data is big business. Everything they know about us can be used against us.

      When those on the black side of the tree start calling those on the green side names, that is an indication that they losing the battle for common sense. Name calling is counter productive. Bullies lose their credibility. Best not to retaliate.

    5. Oh that’s just too far fetched for words. I won’t call you any names but will say that I don’t think that is going to happen. Had a look at the tree and I am all for the BBC and so called “wokeism” and as for the bottom right hand corner!

  2. Well, I have written to my MP asking for figures for 'overseas visitors' who are living in accommodation in my area and at what cost. He, unsurprisingly, couldn't answer me and forwarded my request to the Home Office. The HM duly replied with no specifications and a lot of flannel so I sent another letter to my MP asking me for SPECIFIC figures in my area for persons and costs, I wait his reply. In the meantime I have sent a FOI request and am awaiting to hear from them, when I do, I shall visit my MP with the findings.

    1. Well done for following it up. I have yet to reply to my MP.

  3. On your side Ilona. 100%correct again. ✔x

  4. Here is a video from The Economist about Central Bank Digital Currencies. It is from May 2021. Easy to understand.


    Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin have been billed as a major disruptor to finance. But digital currencies issued by governments might be even more radical—they may even threaten the future of traditional banking.

  5. I've only realised since the current missing person investigation how we can be tracked all day everyday, everywhere. From CCTV cameras to mobile phones, even using self serve in supermarkets and withdrawing cash from a dispenser. They can even explore your Facebook account. We are in a prison already without hardly knowing.

    1. Hikvision from China is creeping into our lives.
      UK police chiefs are set to review their use of dystopian surveillance tech supplied by Hikvision.

  6. Here is another video about CBDC. Is it a good idea.


    How could platform for Central Bank Digital Currency work? What forms CBDC can take? How CBDC changes economic policies? Is CBDC dangerous?

  7. I received an email from my bank, been with them a long long time, email is legitimate, not a scam, it basically said to keep me cyber safe I needed to verify my contact details were up to date, no problem with that, it was the next bit I didn't like , confirm my driver's licence number to them and also my employer and income details, and to do this by April or I may have my account restricted, I find this rather bullying at the least, I let them know that what info they already have on me is current and correct and no further information will be forthcoming from me, your blog timing was amazing, thank you from Elizabeth from Australia.

    1. They never let up do they. All the information they collect from their customers will be stored on a database, and will then be sold on to other companies. It's all about money for them.


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