Friday, 10 March 2023

Great Resist

 Disregard that last post, the snow has all gone. Blue skies and sunshine now. I'm going to finish this coffee and take Billy for a walk, the walk that got cancelled yesterday. He will be happy to see me today. 

I am not usually fearful, but I have a fear of what we are about to witness in the near future. Everything is going in the wrong direction. I am struggling to understand how people cannot see this. Maybe they can but choose to ignore the warning signs. The push for globalisation can only have a detrimental effect on the planet. Zero emissions are unachievable. Convid was a lie, and the cure was a lie. Governments are pushing a bill through Parliament to give the W H O more power to lock people up and restrict movement. Their power will over-ride that of the Government. As I said before, Governments are not leading, they are following. 

Face recognition cameras are sprouting up everywhere. Digital currency is being trialled in other countries and will come here. CBDC is programmable so the banks will have control over all our spending.

They are moving thousands of people around the globe, and expecting everyone to live in harmony with each other. It is not going to happen. You cannot make people like each other. 

If you still call this a conspiracy theory you must be the ones who are happy to live in this new world. We need a Great Reset, but not the one the W E F are talking about. We need a Great Resist. 

Now I dog walk. Thanks for popping in. ilona 

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