Friday, 10 March 2023

Snowy pics

Good morning. This is the scene I woke up to on my back garden. Looks like we have been snow bombed overnight. Mau Mau was waiting at the back door to be let in. He has scoffed and is now asleep on my bed. I caught him squatting on the litter box in the spare room, so at least he knows what it is for. I don't have to keep jumping up and down to check that he wants to go out. Mayze is asleep on the table with her back against the radiator. Oscar was in all night and has ventured out into the garden. I expect him to appear on the table outside the window asking to be let back in.  
I am not going to go out and take more photo's, I have enough in the archives from previous posts over the years. No doubt the press will be reporting about blocked roads, villages cut off, and blizzard conditions, as usual. Snow is nothing new, it has been happening for years. So, from the warmth of my house and the comfort of a comfortable chair, I bring you snowy scenes from the past, in and around my village. 

There are no blue skies today. Just white. Maybe some more snow to come. 

Do you remember when I painted the snow in my garden. Diluted acrylic paint in a spray bottle. No plants were harmed. 🌸🌹🌺🌿🌻 

Mayze when she was younger and more inquisitive. She is older and lazy now πŸ˜†
I have still got that jacket. It's a disgrace but oh so warm. Skirt over the top of trousers. Haven't had to get that out yet this winter. 

No sitting on park benches until the snow has gone. 

Trees in the park, stark and bare. 

There is a happy sight outside my window. looks like the school is closed. I can see mum and dad with their four small kids having a brilliant time snowballing each other. On their way to the churchyard and park. Brilliant. 

Happy snowday. Stay warm. Toodle pip.   ilona

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