Sunday, 9 April 2023

From the heart.

Richard has a passion for England. This monologue resonates with me. 
We must rise up. Look on Easter as the new beginning. Fight for our freedom before it is too late. Back to my sewing. The weather is not too good today.
Enjoy your Sunday. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. We all love England.
    What part of England do you and Richard live in ?
    Im not about to lose any freedoms or feel threatened by globalists and corporations.

    1. I am in Lincolnshire, Richard is on the south coast.

  2. I love Richard Vobes, I like the way he puts things over in his gentle way. He lives quite near to Matt and he often sees him walking along the seafront. Briony x

    1. Richard is a good guy. Tell Matt to say hello to him next time he sees him.

  3. I agree with everything he says - and for quite some time I can taste chemicals in the air outside which were not evident a couple of years ago to me - When I' m back inside my house it's gone again x

    1. I haven't noticed that. I always have peppermints in my pocket.

    2. Worth checking with a dr as there are a few illnesses that can cause a chemical taste in the mouth. It would be more evident outdoors as we tend to breath more deeply and as we are walking around, pulse rates will be higher. Not trying to open a debate, just best to check.

  4. Do you listen to this dreary noise when you cannot sleep?
    Hang on to your Englishness? Wowsers.

  5. Richards Vobes’ yearning for the past and a way of life gone by, is a bit contradictory when you do it on u tube and make millions of pounds from social media.

    1. Your assumptions are wide off the mark. You sound quite bitter.

  6. Richard speakes the truth. I hope he gets through to all who are still asleep! Like you hes 100% correct ✔

    1. I fear that those not yet woken up will never wake up. They have to make their own path in life, and go wherever that takes them.

  7. I feel England is becoming so divided.
    It’s annoying constantly being told you are “asleep” because you don’t follow conspiracy theory nonsense.
    Plus my great grandfather always used to say beware of nationalists waving flags.

    1. The divisions are between those who don't recognise that their freedoms are being eroded and will go along with everything they are told to do, and those who have insight and can see where it is all leading. This is happening in all countries of the western world. Governments and the media are the biggest peddlers of conspiracy theories. Those who accuse free and independent thinkers of being conspiracists are often guilty of it themselves.

  8. I wonder if Richard Vobes is prepared to get his hands dirty digging in the soil like he expects the rest of us to do.

  9. Well Said Richard!!.I agree with every thing you say.It is the truth!!xx

    1. Richard is happy to share his opinions with anyone who listens. He is not trying to convince people one way or the other. He sows a seed and people can either reject his views, or go along with them. This is the opposite technique that the Government used to bully everyone into taking a medical procedure that they did not need.

  10. You have lovely adventures exploring nature but what you follow on social media and believe, isn’t exactly science.
    I’m convinced no amount of persuasion and evidence would change your mind.

    1. I never said I was following science. Science is ambiguous, has many meanings, and is constantly changing. I follow the people who have far more knowledge than I have, far more qualifications than I have, and who are experts with many years of experience in their field. Then I piece it all together, and if it matches my gut instincts I go with it. Doesn't everyone do that? No, it seems not.

      This is why I didn't get the treatment. I knew it was the wrong thing to do. I Made the right decision for me.

      I know my own mind. I am not swayed by those who wish to push me in another direction. If people want to believe what they see on the tele or read in the main stream media, then so be it.

  11. Sharon Williams11 April 2023 at 11:48

    An interesting book to read in my opinion is "Rule, Nostalgia" A Backwards History of Britain by Hanna Rose Woods which certainly gave me a different perspective of a way of thinking on this subject.


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