Saturday, 8 April 2023

The steam train now arriving at Pickering . . .

It was a fine sunny day when I arrived at Pickering. I put a two hour parking ticket on the car, that should be enough for a mooch around. First stop of course was the railway station. Can't go to Pickering and not go looking for a steam train. I spoke with one of the volunteers who checked the timetable for me. Yes there is one due in, and it is a steam train. I am in luck. 
People started gathering on the platform, cameras at the ready. Not long now. The wooden steps are set out along the platform edge so passengers can safely alight from the carriages. Tension is mounting, more people arrive to join the queue to get on, ready for it's departure. 

I was ready for it and started filming a few seconds before the arrival. But who is this person coming towards me with a big grin on his face?  Why, it's Andrew Ditton, of motorhome and caravanning fame. I didn't expect to see him again after our meet up yesterday. What a nice surprise. I stopped filming because I didn't know if he wanted to be on my video. A coincidence that he arrived just before the train did? Probably not. Out came his camera and we both pointed at the incoming train.  
A short and sweet video. 
I hung around to watch what happens next, and take some photo's. This is the end of the line, so the engine uncouples from the carriages, moves over to the empty track, and there it is in reverse going to the other end.  

Passing all the stationary carriages, they begin to hook it back up to what is now the front end. 
The train will now travel back to Whitby in reverse. 
Chuck a few more shovels of coal on the fire to get the steam up. 
Driver waiting for the guards to wave the green flag to signal all doors are shut and it's ready to go. 
Looks good, all safely coupled. 

By by train. See you next time I am in Yorkshire. 
A blast of the whistle. Love that sound. 

I had time for a bimble around Pickering, while enjoying my favourite icecream, a Magnum of course. A look at the church, and explore the nearby shops. 
Time to set off back home. It's a very pleasant drive through the North Yorkshire countryside. Malton and Norton, the B1248 through Wetwang and Bainton, to Beverley and the Humber Bridge. 
Ah well, back to normal now, and thinking about where to go next. It's sunny outside. I have a Billy dog walk this afternoon, and I might spend some time in the garden. Enjoy your Easter whatever you are doing. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. Love the steam trains. We used to go on the Xmas Special steam train at Avon Valley Railway to see Father Christmas with the grandchildren when we lived in that area.

  2. Pleased you had a good trip and decent weather for car camping. I find steam trains really magical too. Have a good Easter.

  3. How did you know l wanted to go to the seaside this week thanks for going , l didnt miss out after all xxx Mary

  4. Thank you for sharing all the photos and videos mother!! Looks like a wonderful car camping adventure in the books. 😊😊

  5. Lovely memories, went on that on our honeymoon 32 years ago. Thanks for posting.

  6. Thank you for your comments. Steam train lovers unite.

  7. I stayed at a caravan site at Pickering a couple of times - I could hear the steam trains inside the caravan x

  8. I love following your exploring travels around the English countryside. This week, for the first time, I can say...."I have been there". Lots of lovely memories. I was backpacking for a few months in the UK in 1987 and was staying at the hostel in York. It was Easter time and there was a special offer in town of a day out by bus to go on the steam train across the Yorkshire Moors. We got onto the train at Pickering. I remember being very intrigued by all the trainspotters along the track taking photos and sound recordings.

  9. I always enjoy your photos Ilona.They make me feel as though I have had a day out!xx


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