Sunday, 14 May 2023

Food Festival at Leeds.

I've been away for the weekend, I've had a brilliant time. Saturday I went to a Food Festival at Roundhay Park in Leeds. I got there at 12noon and found a parking place on the road near the entrance. I spent three hours at the Festival, then went a walk around the park. It's massive, two lakes and beautiful parkland. I didn't take many photo's of the festival because it was very busy. 
All kinds of food available, to either eat at the tables provided, or take home for later. 
Street entertainers.

The usual fairground rides. 

This display caught my attention. I just had to go inside the Teepee and watch the demonstration. What are softpots. ? Well, it's a way to recycle tights. 
I had a chat with Danika. She told me the idea came from her mother in law. Here is the story of how she took over Softpots. I bought a kit from her so I will be making some in the next few weeks. 

Here is a link to the the Home Page

I didn't buy any food, nothing I fancied, but I did buy a lovely bag from a lady who makes them. It was a two day trip so I slept in my car. Didn't bother to move it, I stayed where I was. 

I have lots more pictures to share. I am tired now because I have walked a lot over the two days. See ya tomorrow. Toodle pip.   ilona   

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