Sunday, 27 August 2023

An arty treat for me.

Ok, I confess, I did spend money at Art in the Pen at Skipton. I saw this beauty and couldn't resist. Worth the £35 I paid for it. The artist is Abigail Langden, from somewhere in North East England. Her fabric sculptures are charming. She uses some kind of hardening glue to mould the fabric into the shapes she wants. I love the quirky zip here, the way it is open and the insides are spilling out. 

How cute is that. Abigail runs fabric and mixed media sculpting workshops. For more of her work visit her web site, Curiously Contrary. She has a shop, and there is a list of upcoming workshops. Take a look at her 'About me' page. 

There were so many fantastic artists at Skipton. I spent most of my time chatting to as many as I could before I collapsed in a tired heap. 

Lynne Haslam had some stunning mixed media pictures to show, made with wet felting, fabric, and machine embroidery. I could have easily picked one to bring home, but I had a budget I wanted to stick to. Take a look at her Facebook page. Lovely to chat with her. 

Deborah is another artist that stands out from the crowd. Desirables By Deborah has a Facebook page. She is a self-taught artist who has developed the technique of intricately drawn patterning creating texture and contrast in sketches. Using pigment pen and alcohol-based ink she also embellishes each piece with high-quality colour-matched rhinestones for her trademark sparkle. Deborah’s work needs to be seen in it's true form to be appreciated fully.

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I do like events where you can actually talk to the artist. It's better than looking around a gallery and just seeing a name that you've never heard of before.

There is an interesting exhibition on at 20 21 Art Centre in town at the moment. I have some photo's and will do a write up soon. In the meantime, I have six jobs on the go at the same time here. I need to prioritise. Thanks for popping in. Enjoy your Bank Holiday Sunday. Toodle pip. ilona


  1. love the little box. Really unusual. Got to treat yourself once in a while.🙂

    1. I like to think of my purchase as a moral booster for the artist, as well as a treat for me.

  2. Got to love art. What one person loves another loathes

    1. Yes, there is a lot that does not excite me one bit, but when I see something that pleases my eye, that's a bonus.

  3. That is a very nice piece of artwork. She is very talented. I love all of it!

    1. Her display was eye catching. It was difficult to choose one piece.

  4. Morning Ilona.Debi from Leicester.Well I have got loads to catch up on here!!.I have had a busy weekend,spending Saturday in Tutbury and this is the first chance Ive had to read your post.That is a lovely piece that you have bought.I know £35 sounds a lot of money,but when you do arts n crafts yourself,you realise just how much thought,time and hard work not forgetting the materials go into making things like this!.It really is beautiful and use full as well.I love the little clasp on the front of it .Hope the sun is shining for you.xx

    1. Morning Debi. Pop in here when you have time. I am pleased that you are getting out and about.


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