Saturday, 26 August 2023

Be prepared

It's on it's way. Are you ready for the next round of treatments? News coming out suggests that the next variant is going to arrive any time now. Apparently it's going to be a rapid spread, and alarm is growing. But this time they are on the ball with their developments of new treatments. Updated jabs are nearly ready. 
It comes as providers and pharmacies prepare to roll out an updated vaccine designed to combat Omicron — but experts are not very optimistic that the greater majority of Americans will opt to be vaccinated.

The new strain is called Eris. One expert warns that Britons could face a new round of jabs if Eris is shown to be resistant to the current treatments. 
As a descendant of the Omicron strain, Eris is thought to cause symptoms such as a runny nose, sore throat and headache.

NHS launches probe into why staff still aren't getting jabs. They have paid 'behavioural insight' consultants £50,000, to explore medics attitudes.
The health service has asked the consultancy to provide a 'thorough understanding of the motivators, drivers, situational changes and nudge factors and steps that could lead to a positive attitudinal and behaviour change towards vaccination'. 

Maybe now is the time to think about what you might do next. If you are not sure you could always take part in a trial to help Astra Zeneca with their ongoing trials as they search for a preventative medicine for cov19. 
 We’re researching a trial drug that could help protect you against new strains

Here are my thoughts. Whatever you do, it should be your choice. 
It's a Bank Holiday Saturday and the sun is shining. Have a good weekend everyone. 
Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. The sun is shining here too Ilona, we’ve been swimming in the North Sea this morning. Enjoy your bank holiday and thank you for your videos x

    1. I was in my garden chopping the top off a tree that is too big. It started raining so I have had to come in.

  2. Two years ago I made the decision to stop listening, reading and watching news and to focus my attention where it’s more valuable and actionable.

    Jon I.O.W (DILLIGAF)

  3. I have had enough of it all - I shall not have any more jabs - 3 was enough for me - I could taste the chemicals for months afterwards x

    1. Do as you see fit for yourself.

    2. Debi from Leicester.I agree with Flis.I was scared into having the first 3 jabs,but I wont be having anymore.I will not be experimented on.Your video tells it as it is and its not a is Facts!.The control they are trying to do is daily now,one thing after another.Like Ive said before...I am not playing and they can stick their control where the sun dont shine.I found out at the weekend,that the hotel where we have stayed before only take cards for any drinks or food bought there.So I wont be staying there again.Their loss not mine!xx

  4. Great video as always Ilona and your walk looked good too. Yes I predicted they’d start ramping it up again as there’s going to be a big push to get everyone injected with the flu j@b. I’ve never had that one either and was given a hard time about it during the last couple of years I worked in the NHS. Good practice for holding the line with what came later though. I regularly accompany service users to GP appointments as part of my job and have noticed that pharmacy walls are absolutely plastered with notices about booking health screening tests for xyz. I’ve never had any of these tests either - too much of a risk of a false positive and then backwards and forth to hospital for further tests. What strikes me is this drive to find something wrong with you. I called into a chemists last week to collect some medication for a service user and was offered a free blood pressure check. I refused because I can check my B/P at home when I’m relaxed and am more likely to get an accurate reading than when Im rushing about and stressed. I probably would refuse a lot of treatments if I was seriously ill which I realise is fatalistic but I’ve seen too many things go wrong for people and health nowadays seems to focused on extending your quantity of life with absolutely no regard for the quality.

    1. Agree. Best to steer clear of the whole charade that goes under the label of 'healthcare'. It's a series of tickboxes that release £££ for GP surgeries which are just businesses now. I'm currently being chased for flu jab, mammogram, covid jab and to download the NHS app. What I really need - useful tests such as a metabolic panel, blood count, thyroid and hormone and inflammation levels and B12, vitamin D levels etc - so that I can make informed decisions as to my health - impossible! What a fiasco.

    2. Thank you boatgal and Anna. The media are encouraging people to go to the doctor and get checked out for every minor symptom. More money for them. New healthcare businesses are springing up if you can't get to see an NHS doctor. Join a plan, so much per month, and you can get all the checks you want.

    3. The boat gal is not being very sensible to avoid screening tests. Thanks to a screening test my other half was diagnosed with colon cancer. All from a simple poo test. As to a false positive, a biopsy was done and that was also positive. He had an operation and was lucky it had not spread. No chemo or radiation. Had he taken boatgals approach the cancer would likely have spread by now.

      I realize this is against the narrative on this post..

    4. The narrative here is that everyone takes personal responsibility for their own health and well being. That's all.

    5. With respect, I think the narrative here is that “they” are out to control “us”.

    6. With respect, they are. That's why we have to say no, I'm having none of it.

  5. I won't be having any jabs or complying with any future lock downs. People should have some autonomy and responsibility for their own health.

  6. I agree with everything you say in the video. One good thing is to get good candidates elected. Here in the USA we need conservative candidates at every level. Hello from California and may God bless you with continued freedom and health. Terra

    1. Here in the UK it is very difficult to find any candidate not affiliated to the WEF, the WHO, the NWO, or the Great Reset. Not much choice between any of the parties. There are some new ones coming along but all we can hope for at the moment is that they increase their followers as people wake up, and give those who are in Parliament, a run for their money.

    2. Yes, our current problems go way beyond political parties and politicians and the farce of participatory democracy. If anyone thinks that voting will stop the march towards caging, muting and controlling - by people and organisations who will never be accountable - they're being very naive.

  7. Thank you for the rant friend. I always agree and I’m grateful for every like-minded soul in my life. Take care of yourself. Much love.
    Patti in California

    1. Thank you Patti. You and I would get on fine if we should ever meet in real life.

  8. Hi there....I used to read your blog some time ago, but you got lost somewhere along the line. Just found you again from a comment on another that I read. That was one big field that you were walking in!! You are on my bookmark bar now , so , see you again soon! Just off to walk the dog in the sunshine now.....schnauzer, 10 yrs old.

    1. Hello Frances. Welcome back. Nice to see you.

  9. Just checking in here. I am deleting a lot more comments. People making assumptions about my mental health. People looking for a verbal punch up. People who are just insulting and rude. To those people, you are wasting your time. Thank you to the readers who have no interest in controversial subjects and pass silently by. Your absence is appreciated. Thank you to those readers who contribute something positive to the discussion.

  10. I understand the exhaustion on the topic but I'll never understand how so many unqualified people became experts in a field they know nothing about. They "do their own research" at their peril.

    1. No one is claiming to be an expert on anything. Me, and many others, are reading and watching as much news as we can on the current situation. We are not experts. We want to educate ourselves, we want to understand what is happening. We are questioning everything that we see no sense in. There has to be a reason why these events are taking place. They don't just happen, they are part of a world wide plan, instigated by the very rich cabal who want control over everything we do. If you are not interested, that's fine. You can go about your daily business and ignore the truth seekers.

  11. I'm a nurse and strongly advise against any vaccine that hasn't been through any randomised trial. My colleagues that took the vaccine won't take it again. Especially as it provided little protection. One other nurse that spoke out was suspended.

    1. After what has happened over the last three years or more, and now we have all the data, I am surprised that people are still willing to go along with the next round of treatments. Their choice.

  12. No I will not comply, and after the last debacle I seriously cannot understand why so many will. Do your research people , thanks Ilona for all that you share x

    1. I wish I'd have shared what I found out much earlier. It might have made people rethink their decision to go along with it. But then again, it may not have made much difference. The power of the main stream media is far more enticing then my lone voice.

  13. Sadly my husband and I took the first one... my lovely husband..who now lives in a care home permanently. He was fine and fit, but the huge stroke followed quickly after. Left totally paralysed.Communication by eye can call it coincidence, but I have seen too many other horrible coincidences have happened locally..

    1. Thank you for sharing your story. Sadly there are millions more cases just like yours. All we can do is support those who need help. There should be lawsuits to push for compensation, but sadly that is going to take years. Big Pharma stitched it all up from the beginning to protect themselves.

    2. The CACUK class action on behalf of vaccine-injured people has had to close - the reasons for which they lay out here very simply and clearly. It’s very interesting to read the legal position, I believe. And these summation facts may help us in the next onslaught (coming soon).

    3. Thank you Anna. It makes interesting reading, but sad that it hasn't come up with a good result. There are a lot of people who refuse to believe that there are any vaccine injured people, just because they personally don't know anyone it has happened to. In truth there are thousands of people who are suffering every day, from the bereavement of loved ones, or they are now living with disabilities which prevent them from leading normal lives. Informed consent should now declare that anyone taking an Mrna vaccine are at risk of long term illness or even death.


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