Thursday 21 September 2023

Best chance

 I am going to throw this one out right in the middle of my holiday posts. I had a lovely week, good to get away from the crazy times we are going through. It's all very well to say get on with your own life and make it the best that you can, but the sh!t show is always going to be there. We can run away from it, close our eyes and ears, and pretend that it will one day go away, but there are forces that will not let go, and will push harder to win this psychological war. 

It seems that Swishy appears to be back tracking on the promises he made to bring the UK down to net zero emissions. Don't be fooled by that. There are that many smoke screens being thrown around at the moment, it's almost like living in a constant fog. Everything that happens is a distraction. They play with our emotions. They half scare us to death, then come up with solutions to solve the problems that they made. It's a game to them. The fight to stay in power is always at the back of their minds. They throw us some crumbs of hope, they say it's about keeping us safe. Lies and more lies. 

There is no democracy, they want to shut us up permanently. They can break the spirit of individuals. Look at trial by media, who are complicit in this remodelling of society. 

We are not alone in the UK, all Western and European countries are going through the same thing. We are pawns in the master plan. I told you before. To build back better, first they have to destroy, and knock down all human life as we know it. They try and cancel history. You can't cancel anyone who is already dead. 

The best chance we have is to say NO. The only promise that you have to make for yourself, is take responsibility for your own health, physical and mental. All the decisions you make for yourself must be yours, you must own them. No passing the buck. Depending on which path you want to take, the consequences of your actions will either make your life miserable, or will lift your spirits to a great height. The choice is yours. 

Lots of love.   xxx 


  1. Loved this ! Ilona I’m glad you speak your mind my friend !

    1. Thank you Laura. I cannot ignore what is happening. We have to keep speaking out.

  2. Rosemary B here @ rosemarybolton @ icloud. com
    We are on the same page.
    I just bumped into your blog, by amazing chance really
    I hopped over from a sewing blog.
    Anyway, I am with you, side by side.
    we are living in crazy messed up times
    I live in the US and it is indeed a shit show.
    My younger daughter married a jerk and we have not seen them since the plandemic
    .... something about "disagreements" and I think my son in law is a prideful dick
    Anyway, so glad I shared that with you hahahah hahaha haha
    I am going to love through your entire blog and read your adventures.
    Yes, we must take good care of ourselves,. I just know 20 years from now there will be a big "duh" moment and a "huh???" as the sheeple swirl and suddenly realise they are being flushed. hahah ahahah
    Happy 21st of September

  3. Yay, this is my real account. I always have this now .... blog spot gets testy and irritable and won't let me sign in, the previous comment is from ME

    1. Totally agree with you! I love your blog and your YouTube channel. You are an inspiration!

  4. Some people just cannot stand the free thinkers

    1. The ones keeping up will be the first past the winning post.

  5. You tell it like it is Ilona you are spot on about the goings on in this world good job we have the great outdoors to see lovley scenery have great walks calm our minds I take pleasure in the small things now a nice walk a good meal a laugh with a friendx

    1. You have all the ingredients for a happy life.

  6. Debi from Leicester.Hi Ilona.Yes I agree!.This once Great Britain is a shambles now and the rest of the world isnt far behind it.They are trying to crack us up and I will not give into them.xx

    1. If you look at what is happening in other European countries, the USA, Australia, and New Zealand, some are faring better than us, some are worse off. The cabal/elite/banks/super rich, are in each others pockets. It is they who call the shots. Watch them opening up the borders to encourage millions of people move around the world. Italy is getting swamped. The borders into the US are opening, allowing millions from Mexico to come in. These landslides are not going to stop anytime soon.

  7. Isle of Wight looks amazing. You are very lucky to be able to do this and you are obviously in good health. So why make comments about what a terrible state the world is in. As far as I can see you’ve got nothing to complain about.

  8. I don't know if you're familiar with the programme 'The Big Bang Theory'. Extremely funny/clever once you get into it and understand the personalities (13 or more series, finished now though). In one episode the main character, Sheldon Cooper, is proved right - as usual - about something and says "I informed you thusly". In other words, I told you so.

    Moving the 2030 deadline backwards? Well I did inform you thusly - I've been saying for years that this would not happen when it was supposed to. Businesses who have spend millions trying to adapt for it are now furious about the money they have invested, who can blame them, and some analysts have suggested that this is just the start and eventually the 'ban' will be pushed back more, and more, and then quietly disappear.


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