Tuesday 5 September 2023

Chatting at the crafty table

I was undecided about whether to put this video on here, after the recent spate of nasty comments. Most of them don't get published. If they can't comment here, they will go to other blogs to talk about me. So much for blogging buddies, eh! I have been feeling rather deflated. 
Walking outdoors helps of course. Turning things over in my mind. The vast open spaces helps to put things into perspective. So does chatting face to face with friends here in the village. I was at the Crafty Club yesterday. We all had a good laugh about the craziness of  the differences between face to face interaction, and online interaction. The confusion of what is real and what is not. I briefly outlined the situation of what has been happening here. I said I couldn't understand why I am getting so much aggro from those who don't know me. 
Several of them said, there you have it. It's because they don't know you. We see you every week, we know what makes you tick, we accept you for what you are. And so it works both ways, I accept them for what they are. Mutual respect. Face to face with friends is always a better way of communicating. 
This morning I woke up with my usual optimistic self. I have often said that if you have had a shit day there is nothing you can do to change it. It has happened, things have gone wrong, and the morning will bring a fresh new start. Yesterday, last week, last month, last year, is history, you have to move forward. Every day is a fresh new start, the clock goes forwards, not backwards. 
That is my philosophy anyway. 
The sun is shining. Now I will make breakfast. I went shopping yesterday and now I have choice in the cupboards and fridge. Avocado on toast with an egg, yum. 
Toodle pip.  ilona

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