Sunday 3 September 2023

Sunny afternoon.

It was a lovely afternoon for a walk. A little too hot maybe, but I took food and drink with me and made sure I kept hydrated. I met several people along this track, going in the opposite direction. The weather  brought them out. 
My sanctuary. The open countryside, with fantastic views. 

I called in to see my friend June, for a catch up natter. She was showing me her new mobility scooter. I can see me riding one of those in a few years time.
I took a track through a farm. I wish I could have a drive of this beauty. It was so clean, it looked brand new. Shame to get it dirty. 

Seven miles, fairly whacked when I got back. Good to sit down with a glass of wine.

Catch ya later. Toodle pip.   ilona 

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