Tuesday 19 September 2023

Some Ferry pics.

Good morning. When I look out of the window now and see a dull miserable rainy day ahead, I thank goodness I went on holiday last week. Wall to wall sunshine for most of the time. A few pics of the Whitelink Ferry crossing. I chose the Lymington - Yarmouth route because I didn't want to drive in Southampton or Portsmouth. Here I am stood on the deck as we set off.

I asked if I could go up there for a better view. Of course the reply was no. But if you don't ask you don't get, that's my philosophy. 

Bye bye Lymington. 

Hello Yarmouth. It takes about 30 minutes to cross. 

One boat arriving, and one leaving. 

I was off the boat at 9.15am and went straight to the nearby long term car park, where I ditched the car for six hours, at a cost of £8.30. Rather expensive I thought. I later found that all the official council carparks had the same tariff, maybe I won't be using them very often. 

I set off for a walk, taking the coastal path. It was six miles, then I had to get back to the car before the parking ticket ran out. I must find some free parking so that I am not restricted by how far and how long I can walk for. 

I am slotting the videos into the blog. Another one coming later today.

Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.   ilona 


  1. Thank you for posting, I just found the Isle of Wight on the map! Hilogene in Az

    1. Google earth is wonderful. You can zoom right in and pick up a lot of details.

  2. You chose the best crossing - I bet you enjoyed the drive across the Forest. I hope you had time to have a wander round Lymington. It's a lovely little town.

    1. The drive from the motorway was very pleasant. I wished I had more time to stop. When I came back the wind and rain was too ferocious to tempt me out of my car.

  3. I missed you Ilona and hoped you had gone on one of your adventures - I visited The Isle of Wight once just for the day and absolutely loved it - It seemed to me that it was still in the 1960s - and you nephew looks one to be proud of x

    1. There is a very relaxed vibe about the place. No one is in a hurry.


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