Tuesday 19 September 2023

All Saints Church at Freshwater

I took the coastal path from Yarmouth and found Fort Victoria. There is a big wide open space next to the sea. Plenty of free parking. A lot of the Fort is now gone, the only parts left are the 'V' shaped buildings each side of the, You are here, on the information board. There are steps up to the top of the high walls, so giving a good view across the water to the mainland. After a good look around, and a chat to the two people in the art shop, I carried on through the woods of the coastal path. For more information about Fort Victoria, check out the web site.  
At Colwell I turned inland towards Freshwater, and walked right through the middle of it and out the other side. Sometimes it's just easier to follow the roads when time is getting on. I went past School Green, and picked up a track, then a road which took me past a pub, and found this church. Looks nice, let's have a look now I am here. 

When I walked around the churchyard I knew instinctively that this one was worthy of a video. when you take a walk around the churchyard and see how the trees and the gravestones live in harmony with each other, then you realise it's a match made in heaven. Come with me and have a look at how nature takes care of it's visitors, who lay below the ground.

I got back to the car in six hours, as the parking ticket was about to run out. Next was to look for somewhere to park for the night. I tried the Youth Hostel but the woman there said they are closed. I asked if I might stay in my car in the car park. She said no. She suggested that I go to a caravan and camping site about half a mile up the road. I went and asked in reception about a camping pitch. The young lady produced a form and said it will cost £26. I decided at that moment that I would drive to Fort Victoria and park for nothing. There were several campervans there, and I had a Pot Noodle for tea. 
An enjoyable first day, with lots more to see and do. 
Come back for another episode tomorrow. Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. Debi from Leicester.Morning Ilona.That is a lovely video!.I watched your first one yesterday morning.I loved your words...that it is nature taking care of our loved ones underground.I will look at Tutbury church yard through different eyes now because part of it has brambles thigh high and your right..it is nature taking care of them!xx


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