Tuesday, 26 September 2023

Welcome to Osborne House

This was on my list of places to check out. Osborne House at East Cowes. Might just make it for a couple of hours on Saturday afternoon. The boat was due to take me back to the mainland on Sunday morning. The first sighting of it walking from reception. Oh WOW. It is surrounded by extensive parkland, all the way down to the sea. This is the front entrance. 
Then walk around the back. Look at the size of it. This has got to be the biggest and best stately home I have ever seen. Queen Victoria and Prince Albert spent as much time as possible at Osborne, with the royal children experiencing the joys of a family holiday by the sea. 

The flower beds were full of colour, and beautifully kept. 

Looking down to the sea from the terrace.

View from the upper floor inside the house.
Had to make a video of the flowers. 
Let's take a look inside. There were a few people wandering about, and we were herded around the one way system. I didn't have time to study things in great detail and had to squeeze past those who wanted to read the information boards. 

Looking down over the bannister. 

What do you think about that then. It's a shame I didn't have more time to explore the grounds. Have a look at some of the pictures on the English Heritage site. If you are going to the Isle of Wight, this is a must see. 
Time to park for the night. I went to Fort Victoria, where I parked on the first night. It is only ten minutes from the ferry at Yarmouth. What a fantastic holiday. I might have another visit in a year or two, but the long drive down there and back is a bit of a slog. Now I feel exhausted writing about it all. 
Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. Lovely photos of an amazing house

  2. Those gardens are quite something. Thank you for taking me along

  3. Looks like you had an incredible and very busy holiday. Good for you.

  4. Wow and wow, what a magnificent place to visit, so much beauty both inside and out. Fi from Australia 🇦🇺

  5. We were there about 15 years ago, and enjoyed the childrens' gardens hidden away in a corner.

  6. A lovely holiday Ilona. I am going to have to make a comment about 'other things': if anyone doesn't believe governments cannot change climate please research 'Operation Popeye' when the American government prolonged the monsoon season in the Vietnam war (1967 - 1972) and then think that other governments cannot do the same thing. I am sorry to Ilona to interrupt the comments about your holiday and will understand if you delete this comment.

  7. I really should have guessed it would be Osborne house. Its stunning isnt it. I loved the walk to the beach, theres a bathing hut (where you change and get pulled into the sea, then step out preserving your dignity) it's an actual one used by queen Victoria. I found it fascinating that the queen and her children played on the beach all them years ago, and its something that hasnt changed over the years.

    I really enjoyed your trip to the isle of wight. Liz

  8. What a beautiful place, thank you for the photos, hilogene in Az

  9. Thank you for these pictures of Osborne House!! It is just gorgeous! I love the couch with seats on all 4 sides, such a beautiful fabric too. So glad you enjoyed it too.

  10. Thank you for your comments. I am chuffed that you like the photo's.

  11. Thanks for the lovely pictures. I will never get there, but I thoroughly enjoyed your photos.


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.