Sunday, 26 November 2023


Sunday morning and a cooked breakfast. It had to be done, I was hungry, now full up. Spiralised courgette and carrot, noodles out of a packet, green lentils out of a can, a spoonful of tomato chutney, garlic powder, and spices to taste. Served on a slice of seeded toasted bread spread with houmous. Deeeeelishus, now for another mug of coffee. 
Liam and Janine on the screen while I eat. This adventurous couple are making their way across India, for the second time, in their beloved rickshaw, Pete. 
Now I have a video to upload from yesterday at the Food and Gift Fair at Lincoln. I hope it doesn't get rejected for copyright issues, it has music in it. 
Catch ya later. Have a good Sunday. Toodle pip.   ilona

1 comment:

  1. COPIED AND PASTED FROM AN EMAIL. Thank you Margaret.
    Just watched your video about this.

    I think I commented some time ago, with a suggestion to go on the Camino de Santiago across northern Spain.
    You would easily do it, and what’s more the accommodation in Spain is much much cheaper than in the UK.

    I am 78 and have done parts of it 8 times and once the whole 800 kms. I have officially retired from it now, as it’s getting too much for me.

    Please think about it while you are still fit enough!!!

    Re boots, I swear by lightweight ones (Ecco brand). You need to try on late in the day, when buying them, as your feet swell. The advice is to go up a size from your normal footwear. (This advice is really meant for your readers, not for you).

    I wanted to post this on your blog, but I'm having trouble with Google.


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again.