Sunday, 26 November 2023

Your choice.

 Interesting to read Sue's post today, her Saturday post that is. Choosing the word 'Vaccine' as part of her A to Z series, has prompted some grown up conversations. They seem pretty well balanced. Most people have taken part in childhood jabs offered, me included. It was normal to line up at school with a sleeve rolled up, waiting for the nurse to administer the prick in the arm. 

I am heartened to see that now, in the midst of a programme to roll out boosters, the consensus is split between those who will carry on with the treatment, and those who have decided they have had enough. Looking after your health is a personal decision. We can choose what to put in our mouth, and whether we do some form of exercise. Or what medications are appropriate for our conditions. 

At last, now after so many years since this whole thing began, we now have enough information to make an informed choice. In the beginning the bullying to comply went too far. If you don't get the treatment you won't be able to leave the house. Won't be able to eat out in a restaurant. Won't be able to go shopping. Won't be able to spend cash. Cash is dirty and contains a nasty virus. Won't be able to go on a bus or a train, or fly to a holiday destination. Even worse, you will be sacked from your job.

Me and thousands of others were social outcasts, and still are. I can cope with that, but many were driven to suicide through fear and anguish. The lockdowns pushed people over the edge. The anger and bitterness aimed at those who said no thanks, was and still is, relentless. 

Now we see the wheels of the legal systems being put into motion. Plenty of work for the lawyers to get to grips with. The battles will go on for years. There are a lot of people looking for retribution for the injustices they have suffered, not only physically but mentally too. 

I won't be drawn into conflicts, that is why I have stopped comments on my blogs. I am not interested in  fighting with people. Getting into verbal bun fights is not my thing. I have tried to explain my stance when people present me with a different opinion, but it ends up with me spending hours dealing with some pretty awful accusations. I will not give up my time to appease others. 

I am adopting a similar mindset I had when I was driving. I was bullied then. Was told many times that I shouldn't be doing it because I was taking the job off a man. It was hurtful at the time, but what kept me going was knowing that I had a right to choose my job, a job I loved. 

The message is, if you want to accept any treatment that is offered, then do so. If you have reservations and things don't appear to be clear cut, then question at every opportunity. Absorb all the information available then make your choice. 

Thanks for popping in.   ilona

Edit has been moved to The Rabbit Hole. 

Reading the comments on Sue's post, those who have said they will not continue with any follow up treatments have made the right decision. Those who have elected to go back time and time again, please think very carefully.  

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