Thursday, 14 March 2024

I've been screened

I have been doing these poo tests for quite a few years. Whenever the NHS sent me one I took the sample and sent it back. A test kit arrived last month and I decided not to bother this time. It lay in the drawer for a few weeks. Then I changed my mind. One day my poo looked a funny colour and I thought oh heck, I had better do it then. So I sent it off, and a letter arrived back. 
Phew, that's a relief. No further tests needed. I remembered eating a lot of cooked beetroot. That must have changed the colour of what comes out the other end. 
Apparently this result does not guarantee that I do not have bowel cancer, or that it will never develop in the future. No screening test is completely effective. The letter advises to see my GP if I have any of the listed symptoms. 
Maybe cut down on the beetroot, eat less sugary crap, cook meals from scratch, and get more exercise. That should keep things moving through on a regular basis.  
A good day for a walk, methinks. Not raining and not freezing cold. Enjoy your day. 
Toodle pip.   ilona 


  1. I’ve never bothered doing this and have opted out of all the screening the NHS screening tests for that matter. Screening is precisely that and is not a diagnostic test. You get lots of false positives and over treatment as a result. I wouldn’t like to be a customer of the NHS as things are at the moment and after the last few years I’m want to stay well off their radar. I regularly visit hospitals as part of my job and see some appalling practices particularly with older adults. Eating beetroot can change the colour of your poo but it’s temporary and nothing to worry about. Beetroot is also very good for you. Keep up your current lifestyle Ilona and you’ll be fine.

    1. I used to get my tits squashed, which was pretty unpleasant. I used to get my insides scraped, until they took away all my lady bits. I think that will be my last poo test. I shall be led by common sense from now on.

    2. Please go for your routine mammograms. I didn't used to bother until I found a lump and by then cancer had already spread. The treatments are much more unpleasant than having your tits squashed.

    3. I’m aware that I probably take my chances with refusing health screening but I’m aware of how doctors like to find problems where non exist and I’d rather not be backwards and forth to hospital for tests. Sometimes the treatment can make things a lot worse as modern medicine tends to focus on extending the quantity of life rather than the quality. I don’t smoke, rarely drink alcohol eat healthy food and get more than enough exercise so I feel
      I look after myself far better than the NHS can. Obviously I don’t discourage people from going for screening if they want to as everyone has to make their own choice. Glad your result was normal.

    4. Much to my GP's disgust, I refuse to go for another mammogram. I have dense breast tissue with calcified cysts. My last mammogram got me referred for two years of additional screening. I requested that I have ultrasounds only as getting breasts with calcified cysts squished is painful. I mean bring tears to your eyes painful. Got told I was a drama queen by the tech. Refused to go back unless I only can have ultrasounds. No history of breast cancer in either side of the family.

      I've lived a good life and quite frankly, it's more likely that cancer of the stomach or esophagus will claim me due to a specific medical condition.

      Over the years I've worked with patients in their late 80s who have refused cancer treatment because they'd rather enjoy the time left than submit to chemo or radiation

  2. Had to laugh Ilona! I ate a lot of beetroot and went to doctor because I had pink urine! Didn't realise how it stains things.

    1. It's a bit of a surprise when you don't expect it.

  3. I can’t understand why some people refuse to have regular mammograms or bowel cancer tests .Mammograms may cause you a slight discomfort but it’s all over in seconds.Stools can be collected at home for the bowel cancer test. Early detection of cancer saves lives. Why take the risk with your life? Just because you live a healthy life doesn’t necessarily mean you won’t get cancer.

    1. Anon, it is personal choice whether people want to take part in these tests. You don't need to understand. Just because you think it's a good idea, doesn't mean that everybody else does. Risk assessment is personal. For instance, I decided not to get the covid jab, for me that was a risk too far. Now look what is happening. The hospitals can't cope with the amount of people waiting for cancer treatment. There are hundreds if not thousands of people who were cancer free for years after treatment, but now it is coming back. Their immune system has been compromised by what has been put into their bodies. There is no early detection of cancer now. When it is detected it is too late.


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