Sunday, 17 March 2024

Let's make a table

Another strange weather day today. It was raining when I got up, and continued to rain until mid afternoon. Then it was like someone switched the lights and the heating on. The clouds disappeared, the sun came out, and it suddenly became very warm. What I thought was going to be an indoors day, turned into a jobs in the garden day. 
This home made pallet table was on the gravelly seating area, where the garage used to be. I moved it close to the back door to provide some shelter to the hedgehog food I put out every night. When it rains the food goes all soggy and they don't like that. It has worked well for the last few weeks. The table is a bit too big so I thought I would make another one a bit smaller, and this one can go back next to the chairs. 
I had another much larger pallet, so I cut it down to what I thought would be a better size, smaller than the other one. I misjudged that, it ended up bigger. So now this new one is on the gravel with the chairs. 
The white tops are plastic panels that you line a shower or a wet room with. I found them in a skip ages ago. I knew they would come in useful for something. To screw into them I have made plastic washers out of bottle tops, so the screw heads don't disappear into the fragile panels. Luckily I didn't need to cut them to fit the table tops. 

Now I need a plan B to make a smaller table for the hedgehog food shelter. I have an idea. I have some spare wood to make a frame, and a table top with wonky legs. It might work. 

Sunday night is when some of the yoootooobers I am following publish their videos. I'll see what Janine and Liam are up to now they are back from India. 

Catch ya tomorrow. Toodle pip.   ilona

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