Friday, 15 March 2024

Lincoln Cathedral light show.

It is thanks to Ellie at Feltabulous that I went to see this last night. I checked the Cathedral web site and sent them an email, can I pay cash when I get there. The answer came back, we can offer you a 7.45pm slot, and you can pay in the shop. That's good, there is time to get in a three mile walk before I go. 
It's about an hours drive, I always park on the roadside on Wragby Road. It's a wide road with no restriction, and ten minutes to walk to the Cathedral. 
I got there in plenty of time, and tagged onto the 7.15pm queue. It was very busy. We were ushered around the Cathedral by volunteers in yellow vests. They set up a one way system. I went round once taking photographs, then again with the other camera for the video. Everyone was holding their mobile phones pointing upwards to get the best pictures. 
The title was, Science by Luxmuralis. While a lot of people were maybe there for the science aspect of it, I was there for the amazing colours. Luxmuralis is a company that creates immersive and interactive light and sound shows in historic buildings.

The whole thing felt very spiritual. The only downside was the amount of people there. I like Cathedrals when they are empty, or almost empty. 
Here is my video. There are many more professional videos on yoootooob. 
The website for Luxmuralis is here.  They do amazing light shows in lots of different places. 
I finished off the evening with a Magnum ice cream as I walked back to the car. So glad I went, an opportunity not to be missed.
Now it's the weekend. Have a good one, enjoy yourself. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. I love the dark green colours best.Like being in a forest. Glad you enjoyed it.

    1. I found it difficult to pick out my favourite scene. The forest was lovely.

  2. How fabulous. I hope it comes to Hereford Cathedral (my nearest).

    1. Luxmuralis do all kinds of light shows, inside and out. There are lots of photo's on their web site. The list for future presentations is not completed. It says more dates to be added.

    2. I'll keep my eyes peeled then. Thank you.

  3. This looks absolutely amazing and the immersive experience must have been wonderful. So pleased you got to see this and good to see a place accepting cash too.

    1. It was like bathing in a bath of coloured jelly. It's a good idea to always enquire if a purchase can be made in cash first.

  4. Lovely video and photo's, thanks so much.

  5. Thanks for the shout out! I'm pleased that you enjoyed it - it is such a sensory experience. I really enjoyed both of the presentations I have seen so far - 'Life' last year and 'Science' this year.
    Best wishes


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.