Sunday, 14 April 2024

A Man's best friend.

Today the weather is sunny and dry. I am working in the garden, lots of jobs to do. Yesterday I went a walk, I extended my normal walk and went a bit further, checked it at 7 miles. I went to the Park on the way home. Lovely to see it coming to life as the colours, and greenery, are making a good show. It lifts the spirits. 

I wasn't going to stay long, just long enough to get a few snaps. Then into the car park came a motorcycling dog, on the back of it's owners bike. Had to stop and have a look. How wonderful is that. Me being nosey I had to ask about the pooch. This is Phoebe, who loves going out on the bike. She took to it straight away, right from the start. She is securely fastened in, and watches the world go by through her designer sun shield. 
She likes the look, or should I say smell, of the doggie treats I have in my pocket. Oooh, yes please. 
Her mum and dad came on two bikes, a lovely BMW and a very smart Honda. Both kitted out with fashionable leathers, and helmets with intercoms, so they can keep in touch during their journey. They were fairly local so had come for an afternoon ride out. 
Now here is the good part, Phoebe has her own Facebook Page. Take a look here, there are lots of photo's. 

I change my walking routes as I go along. Do I need to shorten the distance if I am feeling tired, or should I carry on and go a bit further. Yesterday was the right decision, because I met Motorcycling Phoebe. What a bonus that was. You never know what is up ahead and what you might come across. 
Thanks for popping in. I'm going back out into the garden. Got lots to do out there. Toodle pip.   ilona

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