Monday 15 April 2024

Made up recipes.

It's rather blustery here today. I didn't know whether to put my sun visor on my head, or a woolly hat. The hat was needed, it started raining when I left home to go to the Village Hall. Not many at the Chat and Craft, some people are away on holiday. Afterwards I called in to see Angela and had a coffee and catch up chat there. 
I am liking my new pans. The bigger stainless steel pan is ideal for making stews and soups. This frying pan with deep sides is great for chucking a few veggies in and cooking up a stir fry. This is so simple. Chop an onion, add a handful of frozen peas, and a few pieces of Quorn chunks. A dash of oil, a splash of fruit juice, and spices, cook until everything has softened. 
Then add some Ready to Wok noodles. Ready in a few minutes. This makes two portions. I don't mind having the same meal twice in one day. 

I've checked the times at the Vue Cinema in town. There is a film I want to see in two hours time. I think that's the best bet for this rough weather. I will pick up a bit of shopping at Aldi afterwards. 
Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.   ilona

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