I had in mind a subject for a video. Set the camera up, two false starts, and I give up. Maybe I'll tap out a few words here.
Some of what comes from Tweeeeter is very indepth. A lot is drivel, but some of it is thought provoking. I don't dismiss it all as a haven for conspiracy theorists, there are a lot of intelligent people on there. It depends who you choose to follow.
A few quotes which give me food for thought. Gems of wisdom are what I am looking for. Copy and paste is easier than speaking into a camera. These are not my words. I find them interesting.
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Humanity has been on its knees for far too long and 'awakening' is to stand tall, look life in the eye, and decide your own reality - not the group reality that people thousands of years ago said you must have.
Islam and Christianity have an enormous amount in common. Both are belief systems which reject any information that would question the belief system.
Religions are man made to subdue, control, manipulate and divide.
Religion is an excuse that opposing religions begin/continue wars. The foundation of any dispute is power and $. Thus, in the absence of religion, there would still be wars.
Political system is besotted with the finance industry. No doubt, when it all comes crashing down Ministers will blame everyone else.
It's almost impossible to exaggerate how troubling what is being discussed is. In fact, I think it is fair to say that we are in the middle of a coup. That we are actually facing the elimination of our national and our personal sovereignty.
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I see some bloggers are having trouble with trolls. What causes people to think they can say exactly what they like on a bloggers personal diary? Ok, some bloggers invite comments, that is their choice, but that means you take the rough with the smooth. Having no comments works for me. Sad to say this because I am a sociable person, face to face. Sometimes I think I ought to open up the comments to anyone. But then I think it would only create a horrible atmosphere where you have readers upsetting other readers, and they feel the need to retaliate. It ends with a verbal punch up, which is pretty pointless. I can't stop people spewing hate. Those that do have issues of their own to contend with. They would do well to concentrate on making their own lives better.
Have a good day. We'll catch up soon. Toodle pip. ilona
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