Two ducks have been camping out on next doors garden for the last few weeks. Yesterday they ventured over, or through, the hedge into mine. You're very welcome little duckies. Come on in, water and plenty of bird seed for you. Today they have called in again, twice, and appear to be more confident so they stayed a while.
I found a big fat bee in the corner, on the carpet, of the living room. A rescue mission was called for, and the bee was relocated on a bush outside the back door. I checked later and it had gone. I hope it flew away. The weather was pretty horrible yesterday. Drizzly damp on and off all day. I wanted to go for a walk but as time went on I could see that was not going to happen. Plan B was to see a film at the cinema in town. Nothing in the programme to tempt me. Plan C was to fill the brown garden waste wheelie bin ready for collection today. That did not happen. The rain didn't stop for long enough. Plan D was a success. Relax in a lovely warm bath, have a good scrub, and swig a small glass of cider. My new favourite is Toffee flavour. It is deeeelishuss. Still got the others to look forward to. Coffee Morning was a hoot this morning. I am on a mission to make people laugh, and this morning it worked. One of the ladies, she is 90 something, was telling us that the doctor asked her where would she like to be when she is dying. Unbelievable, and shocking. Well several of us came up with amusing replies. My own contribution to that particular topic was, I hope to be laid out in the buff, in a big four poster bed being entertained by a gorgeous hunk. Ok, so these were not the actual words I used in the story. My rather coarse version brought forth fits of laughter. So there you are, the recipe for a good joke is to be rude. It's still raining. Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip. ilona
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