Wednesday 3 April 2024

Ha Ha Ha

Closing the comments.

Toodle pip. 

That was a tonic. I had the ladies at the Coffee Morning in stitches, almost wetting themselves. The chat topic was quite controversial, but when I put my spin on it a look of shock, quickly turned to disbelief, then to belly laughs. With mouths agape, I was rather worried that someone's dentures could possibly be propelled across the room. Hands over mouths made sure that didn't happen. 

I can't tell you here what caused the hysterical laughter. It would only provide the nitpickers with ammunition to have a go at me. Sorry I can't share it with you, but a clue to the topic we discussed, which  caused such hilarity, is in Cro's post today. 

If you are like me, a free thinking individual who takes everything on board, and is not afraid to stand tall, gather a few like minded friends around you and laugh your bloody socks off at the total absurdity of  the way our Government is running the country. It's got to be a joke. 

Cheeerybye, see ya later. Toodle pip. Ilona.   

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