Tuesday, 9 April 2024

Sex lesson

This is a page from my Human Biology folder, from 1962. Remember how we used to write and draw things on paper. 
There are two diagrams, the reproductive systems of both male and female. I wonder if they are now rewriting the text books. That's if there are any new textbooks being published, or is it all online now.  After all, two people from the opposite sex don't need to have any contact with each other to reproduce the next generation. Instructions on how to do that will be available somewhere. 
Some may say that modern science is marvelous because now there are ways around the problem of infertility on both sides. Two men or two women can now have babies. Who'd have thought it many years ago. I remember my mum drilling it into me to keep my hand on my halfpenny. Her nice way of telling me to keep my knickers on and don't let a boy put his hand down there. 
That's as far as the sex lesson went. I never found out how you could get pregnant through kissing and cuddling. I was too scared to try it. 
So, apparently we can dismiss any old fashioned sex lessons now because the whole way of procreating has changed. The easy way of producing a sprog still stands, but there are lots of alternative ways now. 
Life is going to be a whole lot more confusing for the younger generations. Shall we 'do it' online and put our order in? What shall we go for, male or female, or any gender in between. Or maybe someone solo might want to go it alone. So many choices. 
The choice was easy for me. Nope, not doing that. 
Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.  ilona 

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